I'm sorry too. But not for being Canadian. Never!
I'm sorry too. But not for being Canadian. Never!
I never thought about it, just a sort of tempered reaction to anything that might be a Canadian kind of thing.
Dear Tori and Dean,
Yeah, and it's cuz her husband asked her to. I don't really get being so in love with Lily Allen that you marry her, but not loving that she's the sort of woman who'll blow a mic on stage. This just makes me all kind of sad.
I'm in a long distance relationship. I totally admit to being the person texting utterly salacious things - when I'm actually covered in spot cream and binging on meringues and Buffy reruns (Giles 4-life. You all know he gave you nether regional butterflies and it was confusing because he was your dad's age.) Anyway, …
I KNOW. I was in the 'States a few months ago, and was so excited that I had all these extra choices on Netflix. Canadian Netflix is getting better, and getting newer content, but it's kinda lame (but not as lame).
"I don't hate this, but I have a lot of questions, and one of them is 'Is your Prom Coming to America-themed?'"
If I had to break it down in a way that the average non-rap-listening Caucasian might understand, I'd say that Drake is the rap equivalent of Nickleback. He's Canadian and he makes boring, shitty, generic music that usually involves whining over some failed relationship.
Stupid Hulu, hating Canada.
I loved this. I'm not a fan of all of Drake's music but he does seem like a genuine guy. Like the kind that would wine and dine you and then maybe you'd have a romantic tryst, he wouldn't call you cause he went on tour for like 4 weeks, and he'd actually feel bad when he found out that you were upset with him.
There, fixed it.
So basically it's a standard $20 calorific entree with an $80 surcharge for gold flakes and the pork being Spanish?
am i the first to call this a shameless butt plug? #chrismeloni
Aw, my kind of game nerd! I need to play arena! I gota PS3 recently and was excited to see Persona 3 available for download since my PS2 is nearly dead. I wish they'd make 4 available for download too.
I don't want anyone to forget. Arby's is great, Sriracha blows.
Found a long blonde hair in a sandwich the other day. Called it a bimbo and went on eating.
Can we stop poop-shaming the long-poopers? I myself am a lady long-pooper. It takes me at least 5 minutes to relax properly, and then another 10 (or more) to completely empty the chute. It's a total joke between me and my husband that he can do his business in 5 minutes, while I take 3-4 times that long. And I…