Favour... can you post a link to the video that is viewable for us folks outside of the States?
I literally am a model and as a result also know lots of models and I know what you mean and agree wholeheartedly! I just think Lupita is so radiant and regal and near to perfection that breaking the ice would require a lot of mental preparation. I would also need to prepare myself for inevitably fucking it up and…
Dear Disney - We, over here in the Girl Scouts, quietly doing the right thing since, like, always, would be happy to take that funding off your hands. Thanks!
Oh, this is in part the problem of the US having a system of electing public prosecutors. It becomes less about pursuing justice and more about pursuing convictions to garner popular favor from the electorate. There is A LOT of evidence out there that having this be an elected office has a chilling effect on not only…
ANY EXCUSE. They should call it sugalumping.
Surely he would sell more if he called himself Joe King?
luxuriate in the love of your legions of fans.
I almost think this one is more amazing. Metal shamisen!
PM was a favorite read of mine. I am glad you posted this as the typical positions from many of the ideological groups leaves me longing for a perspective from mathematics and related philosophy.
A Fox News host is angry about things being taken out of context and selectively edited? Colbert is going to have a field day with that.
But I feel like, on Jezebel at least, it's a bit of a catch-22. I've seen plenty of comment threads where any guy who participates or brings up his perspective is labeled an MRA or similar. But then it's said that MRAs shouldn't be the only voice that's heard. Which I agree with, but it's not really fair to yell…
This reminds me of when news shows think being 'fair and balanced' means having a segment about evolution and bringing on an experienced scientist and someone who opposes their viewpoint on their blog just because.
'MRAs bring these issues up, sure, but so do a lot of other people—people without outspoken biases against rape victims, people who've never gone out of their way to sabotage rape reporting systems (systems that serve male rape victims too, by the way). So why should we be obligated to include MRAs in the…