
Yep. And for the fact that she is a "mature" woman in porn. And for the fact that she was a registered nurse for years, and so is therefore not just pulling stuff out of her ass when she talks about sexual health or how forcing porn actors to use condoms actually increases their chances of catching an STD.

Here's a good example. The last guy I dated was ten years younger. He'd never dated a woman that had ANY pubic hair, and so wouldn't go down on me. Whereas having been a stripper in my late teens/early 20s, I'd maintained the habit of keeping it trimmed and narrowed into my 30s. I was used to being the girl that had le

It sounds to me more like you broke up with your ex because he was a pathetic asshole who lived his life entirely in his head and through a screen, and thus did not have the ability to treat actual, real life people as anything other than stimuli for his enjoyment.

The phrase "how can it not" reveals this as what it is—an argument from incredulity. An argument from incredulity comes when the speaker provides no actual evidence to support their claims, only a lack of understanding as to why they might not be true. The reason it's considered to be a flawed argument is that the

My ex joins you in your motto.

I had a friend who had a friend who determined that he wanted to join the most hopeless, waste of time cause there was. For a long time he was going to go with the Flat Earth Society, until he found Reunite Pangaea.

This was my face when I read the title (except with wider eyes). Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! Holy fuckin' shitballs, it's 2014! I'm going to go and embrace all of my science books and textbooks that I have left from college.

I, too, am horror-proof. I ate a banana while watching this.

Criterion will work really hard on it, then it get's released too early to compete with other racing games.

But here, you want studies and women's studies majors where the studies aren't being done/funded by already declared anti-porn activists:

"If Gail Dines is concerned about performers on set, why doesn’t she comment or support any initiatives by sex workers to improve performer rights? Where is she when a performer

As a sex work activist who has spent a good amount of time studying psychology, cultural anthropology, sociology, the history of social reform movements on sex workers, the experiences of sex workers both consenting, coerced and forced, around the world and what *they* want and need for support, poverty and responses

I mocked her bringing up Gender Studies as evidence alone of her superior knowledge on the topic, and then stating erroneous percentages, as if that major was all the evidence she needed. I don't care if you're in Gender Studies, or Neuroscience, or Fine Art. Using your major as the sole source of your so-called

... that was the joke. When I mocked her for not being in Gender Studies. THAT WAS THE JOKE. Jesus, this was a waste of time, huh?

I was simply pointing out that making rude comments about the commenter simply because they mentioned that they were a women's studies major isn't really fair.

It's pretty stupid that you think that a bunch of people who work in the industry (and outed themselves as such) don't have an acute awareness of the consequences and stigma associated with being a sex worker.

Isn't that an argument that porn should be normalised not turned into some crusade against the sex urge?

If 1 in 4 (Still too much) women are abused then either men are dangerous (wrong sorry cunty feministas normal men dont rape. or sex is being seen as some 'leverage' to commit violence.

Which is weird cause eating

Kitty Stryker is a well known BBW adult performer, you fucking rube.

How dare you speak to a Women's Studies major like that. She went to school for this, as she made perfectly clear again and again, so don't pretend you know better. 80% of women have been raped and 105% of them end up in porn.

I love when people tell me how traumatized I must be, and that's probably why I do porn. Also, I love it when people tell me I don't have any agency, because if I did obviously I wouldn't be in porn, right? SIGH

I mean why listen to the porn stars themselves? They might be women, but they're probably silly women whose

it is a DREAM that enough women in porn are actually doing it healthily, and NOT STAGING THEIR OWN TRAUMA IN AN ATTEMPT TO ADJUST THE FACT THAT THEY WERE ABUSED at some point. that is not agency at work, that is TRAUMA.