
I'm not on Twitter, but the idea of a Twitter campaign to call out white people who do stuff like sing the national anthem, etc would tickle me so. "Can't believe a GERMAN is singing the natl anthem. What an insult to WWII vets." "Can't believe we just voted a Brit into office to represent our state." You know, just

I appreciate honest opinions, but I do not appreciate opinions which have little to no thought put into them.

Saying something is 'clear' (or in over words, obvious or undeniable) when it is not so, is borderline arrogance. Having an opinion with no reasons behind it to back it up makes it an uninformed opinion.

>younger audiences

Did we watch the same show?

Author is participating@

OutPost 2
Released: 1997
Published By: Sierra
Developed By: Dynamix

Not related, but I'm still sad that McDonalds doesn't have swirl cones anymore.

I always wanted to be a roadie for "The Thundering Pinnipeds."

...then the lead vocalist went and flippered out.

"inebriated prawn" great band, man. Real shame they sold out.

"Except, my child..."

Ah, but if your argument is predicated on denigrating another argument on the basis that said argument is rife with informal fallacies, it's best not to engage in them yourself—you more or less guarantee that the ethos of your assertions will disintegrate from the word "go."

"It's an observation

Good show on proving that engaging in logical fallacies undercuts an assertion by engaging in a couple yourself, champ.

Let's take a wild guess as to my party affiliation—by saying (explicitly, mind you) that I have displayed partisanship, you're making a pretty significant assumption about my voter registration and my

Several, really.

I'm particularly good at collecting the souls of inebriated prawn; you see, that tail-flipping swimming technique of theirs lends itself to traveling in circles after a certain amount of imbibery, thus making them easier to catch.

I'd be curious where the following came in:

Strawman: At no point does this letter change the argument set forth in the SCOTUS case; the individual in question argued that they were denied admission to UT on "discriminatory" grounds, when the evidence points to the exact opposite being the case. While there may be

A ginger? With a soul? *scoffs

This open letter is gorgeous for two very important reasons:

#1: It takes a fundamentally screwed up situation (a kid who didn't have the GPA to get into her first choice college making a SCOTUS case out of her inability to accept rejection) and lays out everything that's wrong with it in a deft—but also incredibly

As far as i know this is the first thing of his I've ever seen but i watch it weekly at least. my (bearded) husband showed it to me and I adore it!

I have a graduate degree in a STEM field and 7 years of experience in my career. I was hired by a Norwegian company. They got the work visa for me and moved me, my pets, my stuff, and even put us up in corporate housing for our first year in NO. Don't even get me started on how much more pleasant it is being a

I'm an American who moved to Norway to start working a new job a few years back. The Scandinavian countries are awesome. Socialism, my ass. I have way more personal liberties here than back home. For starters, I work shorter days and have 6 weeks of government-guaranteed vacation. Public transportation is great so my

And subsidized daycare so we can work for a better life.