
90% of the people that read deadspin just want to make funny jokes in the comments.

Actually, sharks are cartilaginous, not boned.

Oh no, I know. I’m just saying it was a friendly burn rather than a malicious burn.

Yeah, all the coaching in the world and you're just not going to beat the Warriors with Kyrie Irving—and I don't want to get too coach speak-y here—completely fucking sucking.

Maybe Lue is lying to obfuscate the fact that his stars played like garbage,

Kudos to that second operator who comes in HOT AS SHIT to check on his fellow cameraman’s safety. That’s 110% Hank Hill status.

No, no, no.

You should be less concerned with me and more concerned about your division 3 football team winning a game this year. Lmao ku is a disgrace to the game of football

You should apologize for this, and also all the other times you’ve cried sweet tears on these posts.

It’s gone beyond funny; it’s become transcendent. When I come around to checking the baseball scores at night, I always keep an eye out for the Cardinals score just so I’ll know if I have this to look forward to. Deadspin has made baseball great again.

You’re right. It’s fuckin’ hilarious.

Good question. Have you asked it before? Have you been able to get an answer? Keep us posted.

It’s measured in dog inches. Completely legit, just like the dude’s socks.

I don’t think your dick is regulation height.

Leads aren’t what Padres usually blow...

There is always hope as long as the team you root for doesn’t play in Cleveland. Cleveland is the exception that proves the rule. There is no hope for Cleveland teams. :)

How many Cavs fans do you think went out and bought Dellavedova jerseys after Game 3? Dozens? Hundreds? Hahaha, fuckers.

“That’s nawt a lawb pass”