
The USA will decline and fall under a car mortgage. Good luck with that. Oh... and don’t forget to pay for your sanitary insurance!

It’s just those stupid American plates, that are of a different dimension than those of their support, and are just designed by an idiot. You want to see some PERFECT plates that after ten years still look like when they were new? Well, check our Europeans plates (shown number is fake):

You’d better get the Fiesta with a manual gear, and worry about something else.

Neutral: What’s Your Take On The End Of Small Cars And Sedans?

The verb “to film” is universally valid in relation to whatever kind of recording of any type of moving images, and who jokes about it is an idiot.

Please tell us when you’re planning to enter a cafeteria with an AR15.

But the car’s doors do not close...

Sorry, but I like mine more. At least, with this GIF everyone gets the message:

WTF is this shit?

You are an idiot, and should be euthanized.

After that, click Next, give your shortcut a fun name (like “Recycle Bin”)

That ad blocker must be shit, because my uBlock Origin doesn’t have that issue.

That was good, and it’s also confirmation that not only Rosin or ForSweden can write something witty. Go on this way, if you please and forget those two for a couple of months at least.

They told me that it’s an auxiliary water pump, designed to work when the engine is off. That I didn’t know, because I’m not perfect. It would have been nice to have this information in the main article, though... but sure not even the editor who wrote it knows that.

This I didn’t know. Thank you for the info.

Ford did not kill their cars... they just decided not to sell anymore some models, in a market that doesn’t appreciate a lifestyle where you do not mortgage your future with payments you will never be able to make, instead of buying a decently cheap car that will leave you money to go on with your life and maybe make

It’s a relatively new problem, because it was a recent idea of the muslim jihadists. You may like to compliment them for their innovative ingenuity. Moreover, you write:

But you can after-run the electric ventilator, and the water is cooled down in the radiator and circulates by convection. It has always worked that way, and it was quite good indeed. I doubt that the electric water pump goes on working once the engine is shut down: that’s just your pious idea.

It depends on the kind of debris... the usual calcium carbonate incrustations are crushed by a mechanically driven water pump, while they may block an electric one. A metallic splinter on the contrary would fuck them both.

Indeed with that K9 trick you pulled too much the rope... a god pun doesn’t need a user manual, to be understood. At least IMHO.