No. Indeed the prices are in line with those of a top restaurant. Tripadvisor gives 4 stars (very good) and no one complains about the tab.
Nice find, bravo! Not everyone knows that the famous “Ristorante Il Cavallino” in Maranello (Modena, Italy) is indeed on the other side of the road, just in front of the Ferrari factory. It once was the factory canteen for the Ferrari managers, used as well to offer a lunch to all the customers who came (often from a…
100% would drive... without social connection, backup camera, bluetooth phone...
Gaminbo... Gambino... whatever.
NP! Because ol’ dear land yacht.
I LOVE these explanations!
Thank you!
You’re welcome!
What the heck is “JOESTACTIV”??? My educated opinion is that you have 15 years and are not aware that outside your room there is a whole world, where the most of the mentally sane people do not understand your ridiculous jargon.
Wikipedia has a page about this car, that is most righteously in Italian. Then there are 20 beautiful pictures on Wikimedia Commons:
The third one is not a race car, but a joke.
I like this one. But the whole lot (that includes a Ferrari once of Michele Alboreto as well) is sure worth scrolling. So many beautiful cars...
This is so exciting.
Well, to do that for eight trucks it sure was quite a job.
I see that you may need some psychiatric support.
Wow! What a great artist!.. What a moving poet!... he will remain forever in the history of mankind as a clear example of genius, together with the only other real genius that USA have produced so far: Kanye West. Thank you God for giving us both of them: now everyone of us is a little richer.
This link (works in “incognito mode”) to see the MotoGP race. Comments are in Hungarian, but whatever (lol).