Attractive Nuisance

Do you have any idea how many women’s lives and careers have been ruined just by someone’s words alone without a single shred of proof? Sucks that it can now happen to men too, doesn’t it?

I don’t know what is more impressive; that you think this is an appropriate way to think, or that you actually hit “publish” to put it out for public consumption.

We do not need this. We know it happened. I think showing this would be very hurtful to Jessica Walter. Let’s be better than that.

JFC this guy is an entire tool store.

This is exactly the kind of ineffectual grandstanding ‘activism’ that’s more concerned with having the moral high ground than doing anything effective.

Girl, no.

I would argue that reporting on this is a further violation of Perry, whether she was or was not a victim of Luke’s. It doesn’t feel like she had any agency in this breaking and that’s gross even if she’s a public figure I’m not particularly interested in

I fully agree that this law was not backed with a good plan on how to spend the money. Also that the tech field here is so clogged another monster would have eventually taken Amazon’s place. None of the other tech companies is the expansion giant that Amazon is though. Getting rid of them may have given us the

Agreed +5.

No, the skillsets of the Transplants here are Executive level tech. These people aren’t base level coders, they’re the project managers and idea wonks. They moved here for the jobs, and at worst will move somewhere else. All my friends who graduated local tech colleges moved out of state to get entry level/mid level

Except it was a live studio audience.

The Good Place is the one current blaring exception. Superstore is solid too...

Yes! I agree. I also appreciate that the show established from the beginning that no characters are safe. There is no untouchable Rick Grimes or Daryl Dixon. They aren’t scared to kill of major characters on the reg. I appreciate that!

Ya know what though? Fear the Walking Dead is hitting its stride. I’m diggin it this season. All the new characters have really breathed in some new life. Specifically Maggie Grace’s, Garret Dillahunt’s, and Jenna Elfman’s... to be clear: I am NOT referring to Lennie James. I love him but this weird crossover has

Look, obviously fuck her for being a racist piece of shit. In a lot of ways I’m glad ABC took this action.

Even the children of good parents manage to die by suicide.

Please. A true old-school goth would eat Pink and Seether as a light snack.

Great writing.

Ive been a quiet loner who plays violent video games, gets routinely rejected by women and has a fascination with dark clothing my whole life and ive shot exactly zero people.

I am interested in other points you make, but I have to step in to REALLY disagree with this. That he’s physically attractive highlights the horror to me. The issue with the Commander in any iteration is not that he’s unsexy, it’s that he’s routinely raping Offred. Showing him as the show does in flashbacks - in a