Attractive Nuisance

Dude, this is a little disturbing on your part. 

I mean.

The poll tax ended in 1966, way before the age of digitization of records and the Internet. Not coming after people then was an extension of the effort required since keeping and updating records of each individual who was tax eligible would have to be constantly maintained and the silo’ed nature of records on a per

The sheer lurching power of zombie bureaucracy makes evading paying tax in protest a non-starter. Once things re-start, the Department of the Treasury will just retroactively tax you by garnishing your wages and withholding any refund monies owed for annual tax filings. T here is a 10 year soft ‘statute of

Ehhh I’m not actually sure how true that is anymore.

A bill was passed in the House which allocated money for the wall knowing it would tank in the Senate (it did exactly this) which would have kept the shutdown off the table. It was a lame duck House anyway because power transitions to the Democrats on the 3rd so this was all going through the motions for a base that

Don’t worry, they’ll film it for Jersey Shore. They already filmed his sentencing. You too can enjoy the gripping footage of ‘ol Whathisface doing a bid for being a dumb fucker.

10/10 would bang both and not really care who was who

Sideling Winnick is an extension of the character leaving the show, I think so viewers get used to less and less of her being centrally involved.

They’re super hazy on ages but apparently, when she was with Ragnar way back when she was meant to be in her mid-20s since she married Ragnar as a teenager. But as with most things on this show about characters who have very little actual substantially or confirmed history to them (it’s not clear that she actually

Why specifically the issue with Cardi B, tho? Like, this is very closely resembling the Beyonce/JayZ ‘omg! they might split! he’s a cheater!’ drama. The difference is Beyonce for reasons I’m kinda not fully clear on is somehow the immaculate lady of all time who can do no wrong and Cardi B is trash?

The difference

Some women like doing it.  Some people like what you don’t. Dunno what to tell you.

Exactly.  This budget The Carters drama (which is also highly manufactured).

I think it’s her image otherwise: She’s blonde and charismatic without a wiff of the offputting superiority that The Paltrow puts out when she’s pushing colloidal silver enemas or whatever shitty snake oil Goop shit she’s pushing this week.

She’s the Oprah for the all people who can’t with Oprah because Oprah isn’t

Or that one person we all know whose life is a messy pile of bullshit but loves to get sanctimonious and shitty about mutual friends who are comparatively not even close on the ‘constant life explosions’ front.

Her ex (Coyote Shivers) is a real piece of work and stalked her for years.   So, yeah - disappointing.

Also, the history of abuse and stalking from her ex-husband.

Oh they knew.  They just had lots of reasons regarding their own security to sit there and pretend like it wasn’t happening.  I don’t know that they were ever in real danger to be clear.  The danger seems more that the gravy train would come to an abrupt halt.

Perrette has her own history with abusive, shitty men.  That’s the part that’s causing me to hit a hard wall here - well in addition to everything else.

The shit from Pauley Perrette is pretty fucking rich considering she was abused and stalked by her ex-husband for years.