Attitude Tube

We don't "have to put up with" anything. There are plenty of other series to watch.

I've been wondering when someone would make this connection. Robert Ford was the member of the James Gang who killed Jesse by shooting him in the head when his back was turned.

Yes, as I recall, Chandler was a trans… transponster!

There was a season where I remember the clue to the HII that was on EI being a series of clues instead of just "look here". The first clue had to be followed to find the second clue, etc. Was that Micronesia? I remember Cirie being really over all the back and forth and having to pretend she didn't know it had already

I think what must make it so much harder is the fact that it seems like in each round someone pulls up the *next* symbol/word which can really throw you off once Jeff says it.

That whole scene with Alec and Baylor was a demonstration of how few of these people understand this game. I'm all for being an ass if it's part of your strategy, but we're in the part of the game where if you're being an ass to someone and that someone winds up on the jury then you need to be aware of how that's

Agreed on all points. And that's a final four I'd be interested in seeing.

I just finished re-watching RI. I'd forgotten how Jesus-y that season was with "pre-med student" Matt and his guest starring role as the sole inhabitant of Redemption Island. All that stuff was upstaged in my memory by Phillip "Former Special Agent?" Sheppard. What a lousy season that was. And Boston Rob must have

You're right, of course. But she could have done the old "I think someone needs me over here" move and just pretended not to hear him and walked away, and possibly deflected anything that would cause that target.

It's easy to see Baylor has no siblings. Alec treats her so much like a brother would, and if she indeed had a brother like him there's no way she would have taken that handful of garbage he was literally (and metaphorically) handing her.

Oh yeah, I know that's why Josh referred to himself as a successful Broadway star—and I do think it's a good strategy, since the number of people who compete on Survivor who would know whether or not another player is or is not actually a successful Broadway star is miniscule. Ergo, I must remember to use that when

Randoms, starting with the "Previously On…" and going all the way through to the sneak of next week:

I would so watch "Survivor: Chimichanga"

Some of the old seasons — 1 & 12-26 — are on Hulu Plus.

I actually just saw the episode of RI where Boston Rob throws the HII clue into the volcano last night.

That's what I remember too. Amanda/Ozzy and Parvati/James in Micronesia. However, based on how Amanda goes all protective and cow-eyes at James during HvV (and at the reunion show that season), maybe there is something to the Amanda/James hookup theory.

Speaking - well, writing - as one, no we don't.

"It's a fucking stick"

I feel like I should remember this better than I do, since I just watched Samoa, but on that season didn't Ben (the idiot/racist/dumbass/creep) catch and eat lizards? And Natalie killed some kind of rat for food?

Are you sure Corinne wasn't simply looking in the mirror and saying that about what she saw there?