In 1989 I bought a 1-bed top-floor apartment in a converted Victorian (19th century) house in south London, England.
In 1989 I bought a 1-bed top-floor apartment in a converted Victorian (19th century) house in south London, England.
Honestly I do kind of wonder myself at times now that it’s been so long. It’s hard to describe the kind of inertia where you know that this isn’t a right & you should leave but you kind of just get used to it & it becomes normal as odd as that sounds. Like oh yeah that feeling or that person if you saw her in the one b…
Okay this is really long but I’m unsure how to shorten it without giving up some details so.
I’ve been reading these for years and never shared my favorite ghost story from my youth ... I’m sure this will get lost, but here we go
I’ve told a different story or two before but honestly this is the last I’ve got. Plus I’m doing it in the month so late I’m not sure many will see it.
So, I know this one isn’t a big deal, but I haven’t liked writing / revisiting it, and am kinda glad I’m posting super late so maybe it won’t really get seen and I won’t get in trouble with who/whatever was in that fucking house.
A Home for Girls.
A shameless reply to my own story - I was telling a friend (who is a South African military vet and evangelical Christian, ie he has seen some dark shit) about the latest Henry shenanigans. He works about half a mile from the building, which is next door to a spiritualist church.
Probably a bit late, and has no real narrative structure. (Thank goodness.)
On Friday night I decided to go do a ghost tour double date with my husband, a co-worker, and her boyfriend. My husband and I got there early and it was a really wonderful set-up- revolutionary war fort out of the city with super old buildings, a campfire, a drinks station, an outdoor movie theater (tragically playing…
Not sure if my story fits in here, but it still gives me the creeps all these years later, so thought I’d share it.
Sent this in late last year...
Miserable haunted house
Today is a sad day.
I have been reading these stories for years and have always loved them; they have an ability to really, really creep me out! I thought I would take some time this year and submit my own story for your consideration. It isn’t the creepiest story, but it’s legitimately one of the spookiest things to ever happen to me.…
My husband bought me a dachshund puppy, a few months before we got married, and he was my best friend. Walt was the sweetest, most loyal and precious dog. He was my constant shadow and my sidekick. When we brought our daughters home, I never did a late-night feed alone, he was always curled at my feet. He doted on the…
SO SO SO SCARY. Yikes at just everything in his apartment. Wasn’t it Richard Ramirez whose uncle came back from the war with all this violent ideation that then influenced Richard Ramirez into becoming... what he became. Your aunt is was so smart to use her opportunity to escape, I’m so glad she had the presence of…
Not my story, but my Mother’s (and my Aunts). I have permission to relay.
I posted late sometime in one of the Halloweens of the pandemic blur but was inspired to post again because it feels like there aren’t as many this year? Getting the creeps already thinking about this.