Never thought about this, but I think you a fantastic point. My kids fight like the Hatfields and McCoys. And if their mom is around, it can be even worse because she isn’t the disciplinarian and they get in trouble just to seek her attention. I’m seriously going to consider this on our next family flight. Thanks for…
Harry Reid supporters...where you at?
This only benefits those that sucked at their job.
You can play a mode that doesn’t have meters.
Per Bill Pollian, lots of times they ask for “nays”, then abstentions, then they automatically declared it passed without “yay” votes. Obviously with no nays and 1 abstention, there was no reason to cast yes votes.
Water is wet and 16 year old boys will be 16 year old boys. Personally, I always role female toons because their armor is always cooler. I like a more streamlined armor.
Have you seen the backing Dwarven Forge gets on Kickstarter?
Every time I walk into a Walmart of Target I always buy a $0.94 Hot Wheels car for my 3 year old. Unfortunately for him, he never gets to pick it out.
Regardless of the the blogger, you shouldn’t come to Gawker looking for anything objective. That’s not their thing.
I’m titanium white and had the same thing happen to me. I was looking for a new house on Trulia and I found a foreclosure close to the area where I wanted to move. Like almost all foreclosure listings, there were zero pictures and very little details on the exact address. Using Google street view I was able to figure…
I still haven’t gotten my Coolest cooler...
What’s next? An article about breathable air and how gravity really works?
Until Guardians of the Galaxy came out, I would have said Star Wars. IMO, Starlord is the modern day Han Solo.
Question: Does content leave because of performance or contracts or both?
Bulk. Shader. Removal. Please.
Organic = used really expensive and less effective pesticides
Looks like ESPN3 is already struggling for content.
Tea is the greatest!