
Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition for Mac for $2.49. Yeah, bitches.

For a second, I thought I read Archbishops Unearth 18th Century Dildo.

Raccoon Lady is back!

It’s only 10:30. Isn’t it a little too early to talk about this?

I can never understand why fans had to start an unreasonable brawl after a soccer game.

People have been trying to figure out why Austin Powers is funny.

I'm pretty sure it's staged because someone needs Ellen's car keys to pull this prank. Nice try, though.

What's wrong with taking two aspirin with a cup of coffee? It cures my hangover within an hour. YMMV.

Hey guys, remember this? Yeah, stop complaining.

If anyone is interested in obtaining uranium, you can get it from this site. $100 is a pretty good deal for something that will last 4.5 billion years.

If you have $100 worth of change under your couch, you can legally buy uranium from this site.

These worked for me.

Jumbo, is that you?

Oh, I'm sorry you're concerned about who people can have sex with.

The Sim Studio pretty much killed The Sims franchise with the half-baked The Sims 4. It was Maxis that made the good stuff (The Sims, 2, and 3).

I'm a grown man who orders from the kids menu. Those chopsticks are for me.

Actually, this is the western version.

It's possible Adobe is paying Facebook to force you to install Flash Player on your computer in order to watch cat videos on your aunt's profile.

Nobody watches The Simpsons anymore.

I think I just vomited in my mouth.