
Since when does McDonald’s have “malted” milkshakes? Is this a regional thing, like only some McDonalds having grits on the menu?

I don’t want to be all judgmental but the Republican National Committee ads for Moore seem a bit much.

I didn’t want to post this twice or only deep into your reply thread so no one would see it, but I got you

OK so you should watch the video if you’re interested, Peele is always fun to listen to, even when he’s talking factually about a movie he made, but here are the theories and his reactions.

It went from zero to BDSM so fast that it gave me whiplash.

What, you thought the Trickster was just a part on a TV show?

I blame Mark Hamill for insisting she give him piggyback rides to and from set. It was a hidden clause in her contract.

We’ve got top men working on men.

Good Morning Kinjaers!

Deathstroke was a great DC villain once, until he took an arrow in the knee.

Here’s a Deathstroke that I worked on. (Pencils and inks by Jason Metcalf, colours by me) No real reason to put this here other than I had fun working on it and it’s a cool version of him.

I’m going to give it a 4.5/5 on the It’d-Be-Freaking-Rad-To-Be-Murdered-By-This-Guy scale.

My favourite Christmas songs are the angry sort: The Kinks: Father Christmas  and The Pogues: Fairytale of New York are tied with The Waitresses: Christmas Rapping very closely behind.

Man Living in Gaudiest Glass House Throws Stones, Misses

Isn’t that what we’ve been saying for years? Superman isn’t good, but it shows potential for Batman v Superman. Batman v Superman isn’t good, but it gets me excited for Justice League. Justice League is OK, but it makes me look forward to...

wow so now FF14 is joining the ranks of Furtopia online. GG square 10/10 would prob lose my life to this