
I thought this was the redesign of the Wolverine/Batman amalgam Dark Claw for a second there...

Andrea Romano.

The Zune was a good product. It’s unfortunate it wasn’t more widely adopted.

Farscape is easily one of the most underrated science fiction shows of the last 20 years. In fact he might have taken more lessons from it on showing how a group of dissimilar people become a family.

Mr./Ms./Mrs./Fred, I direct you to the opening of Mask of Mandragora.

What the hell is “The Invicibles?”

Thanks, I’ll check that out. I was just looking at Bulleit Rye and see that its just another MGP product of Indiana. I wish we could get the requirement that the bottle needs to show where the product was distilled.

Reince should txt him to say, “Congratulations, I’ll pray for your child.”

“people can really only really pay attention to a couple of things at a time.”

With all due respect, can we stop with this “changing the narrative” shit? Healthcare, Russian collusion, and everything else isn’t going anywhere. Other stories regarding this administration’s stupidity might be “trending” (ugh) certain days and times, but that doesn’t mean that we’ve forgotten everything else that’s

Clearly you’ve never had sex with Sting.


Well, I’m with her.