
fer realsies. which i guess isnt a surprise when i scored the angelina jolie nude patch, that shit is so 2000 and late.

I didn’t know Alive Peeing was a thing. I don’t install adult mods, because porn already exists.

Hillary would have been so badass at the g20. Can’t you just picture her with Merkel, side by side in matching pantsuits, running the fucking world?

I am completely unsurprised that laundry won.

Didn’t you notice? America took a huge downward slide between January 2009 and November 2016, when we were ruled by a communist, Muslim, anti-American, secret Muslim, Oathbreaker and Kingslayer, authoritarian tyrant who murdered President Dubya as he was liberating the oppressed and kissing babies. He was also black.

I think Muller should interview him (on TV?) and preface every question with “Now, I know you’re not smart enough to get involved with the Russians by yourself, so I’m sure Flynn, Manafort or Kushner were the brains behind this, but can you tell me why ...” or “I don’t think you deserve any credit for the ingenious

My brothers and I have been talking about how much we’d love to play a Supernatural video game. Like, sort of Witcher 3 -esque, in that you’ve got to do some investigating to figure out what you’re hunting, figure out the best means of taking it down, and then actually finishing the hunt. It’d be amazing.

Anything that means more Kim Rhodes as Jody Mills is a good thing.

A Blade Stranger is just a Blade Friend you haven’t Blade Met.

No, he seems to have the original two.

Take me in your travels! That way you’ll always have a

The fanciful characters will be brought to life with a mix of puppetry and CG, the latter of which will no doubt add a bit of polish to the original film’s all-practical effects.

Trial by stone?

Surprise, a Dark Crystal Prequel Series Is Coming to Netflix!

That would be just fine.

“Let me tell you something: Hillary Clinton is in search of sexism as a lame excuse for why her disastrous candidacy and campaign lost six months ago. I face sexism a lot of times when I show up for interviews like that.

Welp, I must be sexist too. Because every time Kellyanne opens her pie hole, I get a good look at my cerebral cortex.