
It’s a true scientific fact:

That moment when you see Huggybear as the author of an otherwise innocent Mass Effect picture...

I highly recommend Designers and Dragons by Shannon Applecline, which documents with a large amount of detail the origins of the RPG industry and it’s many players, including Gygax and TSR. It’s a pretty detailed history of how the RPG industry came to be and it makes it clear that TSR was hardly the only player.

So in order for Savitars plan to work Barry has to witness the death of Iris at that exact moment. Screw suicide just don’t show up.

Now playing

This is done in the same style as the “rapping the news” videos that he does—which are always good. I lay that goodness at the feet of interns scouring video and editors who are really good at their job. Also, apropos of nothing here, this should also be mentioned on Star Wars Day:

The woman’s expression in that still for Once Upon a Time video is the same face I make every time I learn OUaT is still on the air.

“I kind of pooh-poohed the experience stuff when I first got here,” explained one White House official, “But this shit is hard.”

Those were good if you had a report due on the exploration of space.

I dunno, but I first learned of it from this mind-blowing Kitty Pryde gif

You say “ghettofying” as if it is analogous to “swapping character’s race” or even “making them black.”

In a large city in the South here. You become a resident once you have a large roach fly off the wall/ceiling down to you. (The terror.) The nice thing is that the large ones mostly come from outside. The bad thing is that there is a lot of outside for the critters to thrive.

Star Wars: Every dent needs an explanation.

She’s a goddamn genius. There are times I have to remind myself it’s the same actor.