You say “ghettofying” as if it is analogous to “swapping character’s race” or even “making them black.”
In a large city in the South here. You become a resident once you have a large roach fly off the wall/ceiling down to you. (The terror.) The nice thing is that the large ones mostly come from outside. The bad thing is that there is a lot of outside for the critters to thrive.
I own a software company. You don’t always have the luxury of being able to delay a product, so you shoot for a minimum viable product and then fix after you ship. It’s not ideal, but it’s pretty much unavoidable in many cases.
that square enix one hit me in the feels.
we need more Tactics, Tactics ogre, and Ramza in the world.
I’m not sure what you’re saying here. You just fuck on top of the breadsticks?
George W. Bush: Grow the fuck up and show some adultery.
Seems pretty different to me. The cards are on a thing separate to the game, for example, whereas MEA emails are often tied to missions / trigger missions / influence missions / affect your understanding of the missions. You get email expanding on conversations, something I actually experience in real life.
My Mass Effect playthrough was the most straight-laced, male heterosexual journey you could imagine. I boned Ashley,…
What about those of us who want to Kirk it up by sleeping with every alien they meet? What about us?
What about those of us that want to fuck a Krogan? Or a Salarian?
I read that in Ron Howard’s voice.
It’s okay, the title is technically correct. Which, as we all know, is the best *KIND* of correct.
Life finds a way (to fuck.)
When Bioware first showed off Mass Effect: Andromeda, some fans didn’t care about the premise, the story, or the…