
For Buffy’s 20th anniversary, some of my favorite character...

Ya know what I mean?

Eh I kind of feel we have enough sympathetic villains out there now, or at least the compulsion where every villain has to have a tragic backstory or morally gray vindication for their actions. What I love about Palpatine is that he’s a straight bastard that simply loves having tons of power and making his enemies

Still calling this whole Ego thing a hoax. Star-Lord’s father is none other than JACK BURTON.

In Farscape they use dren more often for “crap” or “shit,” fahrbot for crazy, and yotz for another all purpose swear-word.

How do they eat and breathe, and other science facts?

Poor dumb bastards thought that they were solving mysteries and having adventures without even the faintest idea that they were actually ushering in their own obsolescence. Dark.

Money can buy you lots of autotune, though.

Oh dear. I’d never seen that before. Apparently money can’t buy you musical talent either.

There’s only one thing to do.

.....Can we have a Batman Rogues movie with Cage playing every single villain? I feel like that would be the kind of movie that would make you swear you took drugs before watching it, despite never ingesting a narcotic in your life.

That is my favorite stuffed thing I’ve ever seen, next to my various enemies.