
Zombie nightmares or zombie sex dreams, Dr. Nerdlove? You don’t have to lie to us...

What, you don’t drag race on a roundabout? The ol’ quartermile circuit, we call them.

Next on io9: Absurd methods of counting!

I recently did my Nth rewatch of the Buffy/Angel series and the Mayor is still, hands-down, one of my favorite all-time TV villains. Cordial and goofy, while terrifying all at the same time.

Movie Star Trek vs TV Star Trek. It throws me for a loop every time, but I keep voting for both in the hopes that the final round will just be Star Trek vs Star Trek and no disambiguation regarding which format is which.

Maybe he was using the word "satire" ironically.

There were a few that came out (enough to build a basic runner team). They look good and have pretty decent sculpting with basic articulation. Looks like they typically run $10 (USD) and upward on eBay these days.

If it was just the original Matrix vs 2001, I probably would have voted for The Matrix. But when I considered the sequels and Animatrix and asked myself what I'd rather watch... 2001 won.

My brand of alcohol will be called "Responsibly," because all alcohol advertisements request that people please drink Responsibly.

Winter is definitely over. My comforter is no longer comfortable.

Drawing was never my forte, so for my webcomics I just took photos of toys and then overlayed text (similar to David Morgan-Mar's Irregular Webcomic Plus, it gave me an excuse to buy toys. Then all one needs is a budget and half-decent photography/posing skills. Oh, and maybe some

So many choices! Can I take them all home? I would have picked Vera, but she wasn't a direct option, so I went with her hat-wearing "owner."

I think the bigger complaint about DA2 wasn't so much lack of content as it was lack of unique designs, as most dungeons and buildings used the same map (and often the same textures). If each dungeon had a unique map and, say, each house had its own blueprint (instead of just turned or with locked doors) then the

I agree with this, especially the "play as the mage" bullet. Outside of dragons or similarly large beasts I found melee combat a combination of annoying and boring. Working as a mage (I haven't tried an archer) I focused on range and it also provided an excellent vantage of the field—something I couldn't otherwise

I was talking with some friends about this same thing last night. Between my recent playthroughs of DA:I, Shadow of Mordor, and even Forza Horizon 2, it feels like open-world games are becoming almost formulaic in practice, only deviating in core gameplay mechanics and story. So, while I enjoy my time with each of the