
"Grand Theft Auto V, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Far Cry 4 — they're all very nice, but have you considered not killing people with virtual Japanese pop idols?"

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All I ever think of when someone brings up Walken as Solo is this...

She only shows up for that scene if you have The Exiled Prince DLC. She shows up again in The Mark of the Assassin DLC, too.

There's notes hidden throughout the chapters that point to the fact that Kirkwall was actually architected to weaken the Veil, so it would be easier for mages to become abominations. Really, the best thing would be to move to Starkhaven or something and nuke Kirkwall from orbit.

I recently finished my DA:O and DA2 replays with DA:I in mind and was surprised that I didn't dislike DA2 as much as I remembered (cut and paste environments aside). The characters are all well-written and the key thing to keep in mind is that there really is no main plot. It's more a plot kick-off for potentially a

Nah. "Zork" will always refer to the original which is late 70's/early 80's timeline in media. If they used "Myst," though...

Co-workers are talking about sports and I'm all The Doctor trying to look at animated gifs.

I hope one of the first T-shirts out for DA:I is the "'I will bring myself sexual pleasure later, while thinking about this with great respect" shirt.

Starred, because Rat Queens. Damn straight.

Am I the only person who still likes King Rat the best? Maybe it's because I feel like it can fit right into a Gaiman Neverwhere universe with no tweaking. And I like urban underground fantasy.

Thank Rumple you're back, Meredith. I don't know if I could make it through a whole season of OUaT without the recaps. They're part of what makes the show so fun. The other part being Carlyle hamming it up—especially in full "crocodile" form.

Spare Parts is probably one of my favorite Big Finish productions, period. Well chosen, cgo. (Slightly off topic, Ish is a good one that lets Peri shine and is in my top 10.)

(Wish I had found a clip with Lana's response of "Cosplay enthusiasts.")

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Any excuse I have to post this video and I will, for it is my most favorite Skyrim thing ever.

Pod People? Trumpy was a plant? (Kidding, of course.)

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I read or heard once that coffee was a metaphor for heroin. I honestly don't know. I love the film, no matter how wacky it gets. Also it features Karl's Disco Wienerteener Haven.

I wanna gif, I don't wanna work today!

Now that I'm all caught up on Orange is the New Black and my re-watch/movie of Veronica Mars, I'm going back to...

I Wish! More than anything! More than the moon... I wish they would just release the American Playhouse rendition on big screen.