
But then where’s the point where principle should outweigh self-interest? I mean, “work is work” is just another way of saying that a man’s gotta put food on the table, and that not everyone can afford quitting just because he thinks his company’s editorial stance is bullshit. I get that.

You didn’t read the story to the very end. To the literal very end.

Guess you missed the part at the end where he stalks her and calls her a whore huh? And the part where she’s 20 and he’s in his mid 30s.

You are assuming they are telling him everything and not outright lying to him.

This is Fake News.

The film crew isn’t going on record to talk about Allen’s “effervescence” and “enthusiasm” and I bet your friends at Fox don’t boast about how fair and balanced their network is.

The difference is that Kate Winslet is worth something like $90m and doesn’t need to be in a fucking Woody Allen movie to pay her mortgage.

Im so mad at the people on this site who defended him when the uso incident was reported. He shpuld have been forced put then. The dems have lost the moral high ground by not immediately disposing of Franken and Conyers like nbc did when the accusations against Lauer were about to drop.

He needs to go. I don’t care if this was during his “showbiz” phase, pre- upstanding senator. He was a grown ass man who should have had more respect for women. He’s just as gross as the rest of them, he needs to go.

I mean, the country didn’t get off to a great start to begin with...

Sean, when the British Royal Family is officially more comfortable with a black person entering than you are with a black QB, it’s time for some soul searching, brother

The ShamWow guy has almost certainly done some heinous shit.

That explains why your mouth is open.

*Grabs popcorn to watch owners implode*

“See what happens when you let women drive?” — Wahhabi clerics

Get a load of this snitch!

Courier winding up like Hideo Nomo and whipping the package into your TV screen.

god damn do i love seeing a shitty man’s downfall.

You seem like someone who has good takes and is fun at parties. Please DM me your info so I can invite you to my next party.