
“You think the clock is your ally. You merely manage the clock. I was born in it. Confused by it. I didn’t use the run until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING. Challenges betray me, because they belong to you.”
-B̶a̶n̶e̶ Andy Reid, seconds before breaking a Kit Kat over his knee

“Why is it so hard to run out the clock?”

The ultimate goal is to beat the shit out of them. They’re responsible for their own fucking conversion.

I cannot support this screen name. If only I could call a Fatwa.

You know, we can get around all of these nuanced questions of free speech vs undue influence of bad actors by simply building a digital wall around Russia. When one fucker insists on shitting in the pool and ruining it for everyone, you kick that fucker out instead of shutting down the whole pool.

Leaving for this reason is very different (and relevant to the article, no less!) than not having it because you don’t like it or feel yourself to be some sort of rebel of society. Every article about Facebook ever has a huge chunk of comments about someone who never got it or never uses it or something that is

Now playing

The power of White Christ compels you to never forget:

(presumably after some failed blackmail shakedown)


Because as a man we are meant to use our voices to help women, who constantly get the shit end of the stick by creepy motherfuckers. Being an ally isn’t a name tag. It requires action.

Lol, in the sense that they both suck moneyed cock, there is no difference. It’s just that Democrats sometimes give the little guy a reacharound when they’re fucking him. Republicans just nut and leave.

That doesn’t change the fact that she obviously is in with that group.

Wild speculation, but did Milo essentially sleep his way to power? How else would he have such intimate loyalty from these people and money types like the Mercers?

turns out the media is just like high school—the nerds want to befriend the edgy kids to cobble together a tougher public persona. unfortunately, instead of making dead baby jokes, they’re in cahoots with nazis.

I made essentially the same remark to someone the other day. It’s soooo goddamn easy to be a sociopath in 2017. They have talk shows on Fox, they are Senators and judges. One of them is our President...

We’ve reached a point where anyone who sees an actual Nazi and says “Hey maybe we should hear them out/give them a chance..” needs to be considered at minimum a sympathizer.

Seriously, Vice has been full of racist shitbags since it started, they’re just reverting to type.

It’s imperative that you stop trusting or thinking the best of people, particularly strangers, but know...everybody you’ve ever met.

finally it is time