
ThirdAmendmentMan: “People disagree with me therefore they are children.”

It’s only 90% if you pit Clinton vs Trump and eliminate any third party candidates. It’s more like 65-70% if you include 3rd party candidates in polling.


No because of a myriad of other reasons... Is anyone comparing those two ever? But how about in Peyton Manning Vs Brady. You bet your ass people use rings to measure who's better because of obvious reasons...

I get what you’re saying, but having a strong strength of schedule across an entire playoff run is not the same thing as having to beat one of the most dominant teams of all time in a single series. The fact that the Hawks and Pistons are complete bozos has no bearing on what LeBron accomplished in the Finals. Michael

Rings never were not a stupid way to measure greatness. Robert Horry has seven of them. Was he greater than Wilt Chamberlain?

Probably from 2011-2013 LeBron James was probably the best defender in the NBA, or at least Top 2-3. During the 2013 season, Zach Lowe did an article about how teams track defenses in SportView cameras, and they set up “Ghost” defenders that execute schemes perfectly. LeBron was faster and better than what a computer

Simple Version: Swap MJ for Lebron on the 2016 Cavs. Let’s say 23 is at the peak of his powers. No way on earth they beat the Warriors, much less come back from 3-1. Swap Lebron for MJ on any of the 90's Bulls teams. Probably still 6 for 6 on titles. MJ was a great defender - but probably not physically capable (even

LeBron James just made possibly the greatest defensive play ever with 2 minutes left in a tied game 7 of the NBA Finals.

Yes. And all of this is complicated by the fact that playing defense in the NBA is wildly different now than it used to be, because of all the rules changes that a) did away with hand-checking on the perimeter, but also b) have made switching and positional versatility so important.

He had a teammate who was better than him dude. Also, this game is so easy to play when comparing different eras. Michael didn’t have to guard the range of players LeBron does, and he also didn’t have to guard the better defender on the opposing team!!! Pippen did! How can you make this argument and be serious?

And the best Bulls teams had Dennis Rodman, another dominant defender, so there were points where Jordan was the third best defensive player on his own team.

“Not even close”

Steals are a trash way of measuring defense. Larry Hughes led the NBA in steals—not because he was a good defender, but because he was a terrible one who hunted for steals at the expense of giving up easy backdoor cuts and drives to the basket.