
Federer is white, so of course not. If he were black, then yes.

“What is this?,” Ste’p’h’a’ni Drusilla Declan Erywene cried out as she blinked her eyes and bit her lip, “This orgy is filled with 10 year olds!!!”

An Illuminati shape shifter that fucks children for their power and the glory of Satan.

Anonymous needs to hack that fucker’s computer system. Some fuckery went on with that Bryan Singer shit too that I want exposed.

The person that mad that Sad Satan video appears to by Gary Graves.

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Curtis Button’s videos are pretty interesting too. This is fascinating.

Owen-magnetic, I am sipping the white tears your comment has caused frat bros and former frat bros to spill. Good job.

The Duggars said what now in their latest Fox interview?

They should domesticate Cheetahs. They seem like friendly enough animals. You just have to breed them so they don’t kill little children.

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Katy Perry needs to get Khia to write her diss track for her.

Wait a minute bitch, Taylor Swift just did that gigantic music video a month ago trashing Katy Perry. I mean, this is some fucked up bullshit. Taylor Swift can just shit all over Katy Perry all she wants, but when Katy decides to respond (maybe), then she is the one “desperate for attention.” Please. Oh, and Katy

I don’t know, the Japanese one seems kind of child touchery, but the GTA one has rape mods, so I guess it is like the choice between Jerry Sandusky and, like, um, like James Holmes?

You won’t when they force you to gay marry your uncle in a mass wedding in the headquarters of the United Church of Satan (formally known as St. Patrick Cathedral) located in Joseph Stalinsburg (formally known as New York). It will be quite a long walk to Texas, which will then be known as Freedom USA, if you so

Did you call her a sick cannibal freak and tell her she would be more at home in a nuclear wasteland dystopia than modern society? That’s what I would have said, and then I would have said “LOL JK” in my response to her and then private messaged all the other people in the Facebook group and been like, “I wasn’t

Yes, it is where the women plot their nefarious gynocentric agenda.

Hmm. yourself, suing someone for some bullshit reason is not fascism, in fact, it is one of our great American traditions.

I don’t think filing lawsuits= fascism. I think that’s a tad hyperbolic.

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Ya. These songs kind of suck ass. Better off just listening to Sly and the Family Stone.

That dude in the clip in real life was arrested for banging children and making child porn.

How can these Texas Republicans be against PREA? God, that is a sociopathic position to take.