
Perfectly said

What’s hilarious is that she would be the same type of person to complain that a festival has too many cis male performers. I’ve seen many articles with that sentiment. Finally a festival tried to appeal to that sentiment and then you have people like this complaining....what do people want?

How does it literally ALWAYS come back to Trump with you psychos?

What the fuck did I just read? What a self important asshole you are.

A private magazine can do whatever they want. It’s not as if sexiest man alive actually means anything.

Funny how this guy’s comment gets approved because it feeds your narrative that all whites are racist, but any time I call out this site for being racist against whites my comments are perpetually “pending.”

Show me where trump said “I want to fuck my daughter.”

Good job. Polly want a cracker?

How is it that all roads lead to TRUMP and MUH RUSSIA with you silly liberals? You should really get some treatment for your Trump Derangement Disorder.

From all trump supporters (since apparently we are all one person to you), fuck you. You’re a typical intolerant, holier than thou, elitist leftist. Notice how I didn’t say liberal. There are still good liberals, but all leftists are group thinking morons like you.

Damn. I’ve seen some blatant racism on the internet but this is a new low. Now imagine someone made an article about “useless black people.” How would you react to that?

These people are all racist in this site. IDK why they think their rhetoric is acceptable

Why are you so hung up on race? Grow up and stop acting like a child

This article is satire, right?

Why? Because she’s black?

Who should be the judge of the amount of time, space, or focus a group is given?

I think its important to take everyone’s thoughts into consideration. MRAs are some of the only people speaking against false accusations. Rape is not a subject to be taken lightly. People who falsely accuse others of rape are marginalizing actual rape victims. Therefore, feminists should work alongside MRAs to ensure

Are you seriously comparing MRAs to the KKK and the Nazis? Also, I can’t believe you are literally calling MRAs rapists.

Being a chameleon to impress someone is just about the most pathetic thing a person can do.