
What I don’t understand is why people in middle eastern countries are allowed to play games with no sexual agenda, but in the US if we don’t wish to see this stuff then we are called bigots. Makes you think.


Why would you even be thinking about a fictional character's preference of sexual partners?  Very weird.

How does homosexuality make Star Wars better?

Christianity condemns homosexuality. Homosexuals condemn Christians. That’s just how it is.

>“Infowars idiot”

I’ll fix your review.

Are we actually reduced to talking about the president's sick? What kind of disgusting clown world do we live in?

Hes right of Bernie Sanders so of course hes a fascist.

Spastic is offensive now? Get a grip.

Serious question: why is woman capitalized?

Wow! It's amazing that the eight best new comics are exactly half female and half male and are just a rainbow of colors. It's almost as if being funny wasn't the first concern...

A least they don’t kill people for drawing Jesus

The whole joke was that he was teaching the dog the most vile thing he could think of. Do you not get that?

except for the fact that they already have several female staff members....but you wouldn’t know that because you don’t care enough to be informed about something before commenting on it.

Except for the fact that they have several female staff members people are so insane it’s hilarious

Why haven’t you criticized Meryl Streep for her constant defense of Polanski?

Newsflash: not everyone obsesses over Donald Trump 24 hours a day

If it’s not biased then why don’t slate, salon, vox, huffpo, Jezebel, or any other liberal crap rags get flagged?

What is meant when the author says “Talking Man?”