Even as an enthusiast who bought the competition give the Lexus IS350 F Sport a serious look.
Even as an enthusiast who bought the competition give the Lexus IS350 F Sport a serious look.
He claims it was new, but I don’t know for a fact that it was.
My sisters husband walked in and bought a 458.....there might be something i’m missing but he claims it was his first Ferrari and it was new, he traded in his LP560-4.
My only take away was that course looked boring.
I’m not saying that is not true, but my sisters husband has a 458 he bought new and as far as he has said that was his first Ferrari. Things may have changed over the years or maybe he got lucky at the dealership or who knows maybe he lied and it was slightly used.
I can see Cadillac killing the CT6 already, it is selling pretty poorly. The 5 Series that MSRP’s for only $2,000 less is killing it sales wise.
Its just bad decisions. Dude should have got a loan for a $6,000 Honda/Toyota and put $4,000 down and paid the loan off in a year. It would build his credit while being affordable. If he was paying $500+ he could easily pay for repairs on a used Honda/Toyota.
You don’t know many rich women. They are the largest buying group and they can be just as shitty when they don’t get their over-priced toy.
Maybe being a dude is a requirement now, too.
Ferrari will sell you a 488/GTC4lusso/CalT no problem, just as Porsche will sell you a 911. However Porsche will not sell you a 911R just as Ferrari will not sell you some of their special cars.
Sounds like Ford and their GT......but that is somehow ok?
You forgot fuck the whites you racist scum.
Please don’t fake like you care a white person died. You are a racist.
Still thinking about making the jump to a Giulia Ti AWD in that beautiful Misano Blue paint. My ATS is good but not great, still some left over cheapness from old GM. The Giulia I test drove felt much nicer, sadly the dealer closest to me does not have the color and package combination I want on the lot.
Nice crossover.
Exactly, my ATS has 436 TSB’s.
11 TSB’s? Psh sounds like a champ. My ATS has 436 TSB’s.
Hmmm going to have to keep my eye open as I drive by Lotus Engineering every morning in Ann Arbor.