
The trailer won me over. Even though I was a fervent follower of LOTR back when they were developing it, I just couldn't get much enthusiasm for the Hobbit, even though I like the book. But the trailer was both appropriate for the material and managed to bring me back to my LOTR fanboy days. Definitely looking

Hopefully next they'll work on getting The Room a bluray release. Just imagine those sex scenes in HD. Seriously, do it.

It will probably be like watching a Shakespeare play. During the first five to ten minutes, you're like: what the hell are they prattling on about? And then you acclimate, and the dialog just starts to make sense.

Oh. This is unexpected. It also looks quite good. I'm glad Jackson is back in the driver's seat.

Ok, I read it, and if anything, it actually improves my image of him.

Soooo wrong about Lost in Translation. It was an excellent movie, as has been much of Murray's more recent work. I'm agnostic about Ghostbusters. It was a good movie, but the world will continue to spin without a 3rd movie.

I give it high marks.

Oh, how ironic.

So when does Commander Shepard show up to collect Jack?

Black Widow spin-off movie? Insert ScarJo photos here.

Let me clarify... I'm talking about the remake.

I do not understand why they're even bothering to call this movie Evil Dead. Aside from a cabin in the woods and an evil artifact, it doesn't sound much like any Evil Dead I know.

Very nice list. I can see this as a useful addition to any fantasy writer's arsenal as a guide for whether or not a magic idea has been used before.

Yes, because the filmmakers were so desperate to reward Kirk with his own starship that they wrote the entire film to cater to that end. I'm calling this a fundamental flaw with the story. I don't care if the end somehow seems justified.

This was my main complaint with Star Trek. If they were going to make a film about a young crew, they should have focused more on them learning the ropes and growing together over time. Instead, we got a film in which Kirk, in a dirty power-play, takes over the Enterprise, makes a few good decisions, and is then

That's true. He would make a killer Harry Mudd.

Yeah, the casting is pretty good, but that's about all I can say for it. I'm fairly glad Gervais isn't in it, because I like Gervais, and his presence in Star Trek would be a big red X on an otherwise good career. That said, if Star Trek didn't suck, he would be a perfect Scotty.

I know what you mean. Every time Star Trek 2 is mentioned, my hatred for the first film bubbles up and I start looking for a kitten to kill. Haven't found any yet.

I'm hoping he plays the Tribbles. All of them.

Hopefully they're talking to George to figure out if he has any plans for Rickon, but yeah, I basically agree with everything you suggest, even down to swapping Meera with Osha.