
I always roll my eyes when he shows up. I like the actor, but I've never been into the idea of Merlin-in-Space.

Another reason to hate Star Trek 2009.

Ah, Femputer.... Fond memories....

I struggle to agree with you on Starfighter. I love that movie even in its dated form, but I see why it might benefit from a remake.

Man, I loved that movie so much as a kid.

And now the poor guy is just off making electronica of the "meh" variety.

It's true that the Culture books are absolutely ripe for the filming, and they have the extra advantage of having a narrative that's not impossible to imagine on screen. Instead the studios decide to adapt books like Hyperion and WWZ, which are much more difficult to adapt.

The Room was so awesomely terrible, because it was trying to be good but fell short at every turn. Yeah, I know that Wiseau now claims that he intended to make a "black comedy", but that's clearly not the case.

Wow, I never anticipated you to take my post so seriously. Sorry, I was just having fun and thought you might enjoy a comment from one who can sympathize. Next time I'll keep my mouth shut. My bad.

One of the problems with studying English Literature is that others are more likely to point out your misspellings and grammar errors. I know. I studied English Literature too, and my friends would always give me a hard time. I'm just letting you know this now, because I can't help but think that someone is going

Batman showing up might redeem the story.

My wife has read the books, and according to her, the HBO series is literally nothing like the books outside of character names and general concepts. I get the idea that the first season is closest to the source material.

How I would rate the seasons:

I prefer to keep Bobba Fett the overrated loser that he is.

I loled

"There's another complication. Even if you could make the wormhole in the first place, you'd need to drag one of the mouths to where you'd like to go which requires, at least in setting it up, making the trip at slower than the speed of light. At least in part, that kind of defeats the purpose."

You didn't read the article did you? If you had, you would see that this technology is derived from the shuttle program. Also, you'd be silly not to think that the tech isn't also derived from the work done on the Constellation Project. I mean, the Orion craft is basically the brainchild of that project.

Pffft.... At this point, I figure it's a foregone conclusion that so-called "Global Warming" is a myth perpetrated by liberals who hate America. Prince Charles is just another liberal who hates America.

Ron Paul, as in Ron "we should allow passengers to carry guns on airplanes and return to the gold standard" Paul?

Fuck science.