
Batman Reboot? Is Joel Schumacher available?

Fine, I'll delete all my Sony music and make sure not to buy any more. That's a simple enough solution.

In my experience, Baltimore is just generally depressing.

I'm using it now, and it seems good, but I can't help but think that I'll jump ship to Google when theirs arrives, where I can pay $20/year and get 80GB of cloud storage... assuming, of course, that I can apply my existing Google storage toward music.

Ok, so far, I love this. Two complaints:

I would buy this game.

Nintendo disapproves of penis.

HBO has a history of using real wolves (or very wolf-like dogs) rather than CGI. I'm sure that will continue. They'll probably just use camera tricks to make them larger.

I'm a scifi guy, and I don't really like fantasy, but I love these books. Their only comparison is Lord of the Rings, and in some respects, I like Song of Ice and Fire better. A lot of people like to compare them to Robert Jordan or Terry Goodkind, but their books have nothing on Martin... I mean it. They aren't

Oh, good lord: 2001 vs. ESB.

Seriously, you NEED to add a big, fat spoiler alert to the top of this post. I saw the little spoiler alert in the post itself, but I don't think that's enough. I mean, you give away one of the biggest surprises in the first book.

Speaking of GoT, has this fascinating marketing campaign been mentioned?

That was one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen.

I LOVE spiders.

I was going to say a Freddy Prince Jr. / Jeff Goldblum love child.

Ok, looks like I'm in the minority on a lot of these:

As an unabashed fan of burlesque (the artform, not the mediocre movie), I admit that I did have very modest hopes for this movie as pure kick-ass eye candy with a shout-out to burlesque, but Annalee's review seems to pretty much verify what I suspected after having read other reviews. I was planning on seeing it

This could be terrible... but I'm there.

I didn't get a chance to vote this round, but I have to thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart, for making sure that Star Trek (2009) got smoked by Back to the Future.