
@Nayrlladnar: I think that Apple and Lenovo make the best looking laptops, by far. Thinkpads look industrial and solid, and I love their black matte finish and strong angles. Apple laptops look like deceptively like candy, but I think they're just as sturdy as the Thinkpads.

I was planning on getting my folks an AppleTV for Christmas, so I'm hoping for something along that front. Looks like I might be disappointed.

@JSPIELBERG: That was my hope too (I noticed this earlier today), but I figured Gizmodo knew something I didn't.

@RadderthanRad: I wanted Stargate Universe. It's not there. The wife wanted Hell's Kitchen. It's not there. Literally the only available show that either of us are interested in is 30 Rock.

I'm disappointed to hear that I won't be able to keep the $8.99 plan, but I guess it's no huge surprise that they'll force me into a decision come January. I'll likely drop down to the streaming only plan.

Hopefully it will have lots of right-wing editorials galavanting as news. We certainly need more of that.

I don't understand why they aren't using dogs for this sort of intrusion. I can tolerate a German Shepherd shoving its nose in my crotch.

"Doesn't it strike you as a little crazy that an already successful developer is taking their time to figure out how to best launch on the fastest-selling smartphone platform in the US—and potentially foregoing a lot of business—because of potential issues with the platform?"

Well, this is really the only game I've been waiting for during last eight months, so I see stuff like this and it gets me even more intrigued.

Remember that scene at the beginning of The Sting, where Paul Newman is gathering up his core team by stopping by their places of work and signaling with a glance and a nonchalant touch to his nose?

I'm so glad that news organizations takes stories like this so seriously. You would think they had better things to talk about.

@ThaMofo: That cat has always frightened me.

We should take this technology... and turn it into a weapon.

This is inevitable, and I think we spend way too much time fretting about this. All those phones are older with slower hardware. Eventually they just can't run newer stuff.

Hmm... get me something like this with NetFlix support, and I'm basically sold.

I'm sure I'm the one getting the boot today, considering that I haven't logged into Facebook in well over a year.

It's like Shrek... only rated R.

@Eridani: They want fans to sponsor bake sales to help fund the project.

@MrTripps: I'm not sure it's needed, considering all the skin already present in the series.

@Ryan: Yes, I should have clarified that. I'm operating on PS3.