
@Ryan: Good for you, but it's only a matter of time that NetFlix has this functionality as well. It's already there for Starz content.

Let's go find out.

It pains me to no end that this phone doesn't come with a FFC. Were that not the case, both my wife and I would have one by now.

@Sockatume: I was thinking the same thing. I'm no great fan of fast food burgers (though I have the rare weakness for Five Guys), but I bet letting anything sit out in a relatively dry environment will produce similar results.

I think the interface is genuinely innovative, but I remain highly skeptical people will gravitate toward it in the way Microsoft hopes. If I had a 360 rather than a PS3 I might be slightly more enthused by the 360 integration, and I also have no Zune, so Zune integration does nothing for me either.

I don't smoke anything (including MJ), but I see legalization as a positive. Enough people smoke pot at this point that keeping it illegal is just silly, whereas legalization will bring pot out of the underground and into legal channels, where it can be regulated and taxed.

Uncharted 1 was a damn good game. Uncharted 2 was absolutely epic.

I grew up in Montana. Now I live in the DC area.

@k4man: Yes, that was easily the best tidbit of news in today's spoilers.

I like the idea of a villain like the Killer Croc. It seems like many of the popular ideas being thrown around involve villains that have already appeared in previous Batman movies. Doing something unexpected appeals to me, and I'd love to see how Nolan would pull it off.

It'd better be cheaper than the Euro counterpart, considering that over here, they're selling a somewhat gimped device.

@RT100: I really like the iPhone 4G design physically, much better than the 3GS, but at this point, I think it's apparent that the 4G is just plain flawed.

@Radwimp: The picture up there is just a fan mockup that's been floating around the interwebs for a few years.

I'm just hoping to hear sometime soon about this supposed Android-based PSP phone, that has shown up in Gizmodo and Engadget reports.

Demons Souls is still one of the best games I've played on the PS3.

Would have been cooler with lasers.

I think my MacBook probably saved me from any future problems on this front.

@RomanForest: Well, I've met him and followed his blog for years, and nothing about him has ever struck me as off. Still, if you feel strongly about your position and have reason to believe as you do, who am I to disagree?