
Fuck Melania, she married that human garbage pail thus she merits all the hate she gets. Fuck that Barron too, ugly little fucking dimwit.

Fuck off and die Trumpie, no one gives the remotest of fucks whether you live or die. You fuckholes are the cancer rotting this country away, I can’t wait until your bizarre hero crashes and burns like the fraud he is. Now go lick some poison, dickface.

IMO she isn’t attractive at all. And she married and bred with that orange slab of shit, therefore she is by definition a despicable piece of shit as well.

I’m a white person and I’m not a racist. Period. It’s not inbred, it’s how you were raised and I was raised by someone who didn’t tolerate any racist bullshit at all, ever.

Good, fuck that vile twat and her smug obnoxious tweets. I’m fighting Trump by treating every single Trumpie I’m forced to encounter like the shit-bergs they are. I’m sick and tired of smarmy sniggering racism hidden behind memes or “jokes”.