
I swear to god if even one democrat votes in favor of this nightmare’s Supreme Court nominee I will lose it. (“It” being, of course, numerous civil rights.)

Lotta Christians out here praying every time there’s a mass shooting, but God doesn’t seem to be listening. Maybe your mythical man expects you to act?

Hillary must shut up, but this fucker is still running his mouth??? And invited to keep speaking.

This cast is amazing. Kinda blown away by it.

The Trumps have surrounded themselves with Yes Men, so yeah. No one’s going to say anything to them that might be uncomfortable. Absolutely frightening to see leadership (hahahahahaha) that can’t handle dissent over even this tiniest thing.

Keep in mind we’re talking about children from very wealthy families. Studies show that integration does not harm white children or wealthy children. They are not “dumbed down” because they attend a school with low test scores. The learning advantages that wealthy kids have are almost entirely out-of-school advantages

Agreed! And even if it’s not, it’s going to be in my head.


An argument could be made that for many women across the country, we’re already living in Gilead.

I have a friend/colleague who is about 5 years from retirement. She’s been in tears twice this year because the thought of putting in 5 more years is overwhelming. She actually said to me a couple of weeks ago, “I never thought I’d be the kind of person counting down to retirement.”

I have been told, though I have not legally looked into it, that I’m not allowed to be on the school board and neither are our spouses or family members. I guess each town/district makes their own rules regarding school board qualifications? But, honestly, I’m not sure that I would want to be on the board on top of

There’s a lot wrong with what he said, but as a teacher, why the fuck do people continue to think public education is just a childcare service? I am so tired of it. I’ve made it six years in, but I am on the verge of quitting. As a teacher, I’ve never felt less supported than this year. And there’s no sign that

Election year.

Problem number one is that they don’t believe that racism is real. The conservative mindset is that everyone can get ahead in life if you just yank on them there bootstraps. Also, thanks Obama, we live in a “post-racial” society, so there.

Hahahahahaha This is great. I’ll just be over here laughing until the crippling anxiety and impotent rage take over again.

Trump’s not a gentleman, So doesn’t have to abide by any so-called gentleman’s agreement.

I agree with everything you’ve said and just want to add that one reason beyond funding that private/charter schools do better (when “better” is based on test scores) is because they can deny access to their education. In other words, if a student has an intellectual disability they can be denied access to the

At what cost indeed. Reminder: we buy our own FUCKING SUPPLIES. So, imagine a world where this gets fucking traction. We’re buying our own guns and bullets. And probably paying for the training too.
