
There’s a lot of ambivalence or dislike for the show in these comments, which surprises me. I think the writing is really good and clever. Plus the whole cast meshes in a really nice way. This season was great, I honestly looked forward to each new episode.

“She has a nice smile on her face so I bet she treats you well.”

What a snowflake.

Exactly. Like, Iron Man and Tony Stark, ummm, okay? There was no one else they could have slapped in there somewhere? But then there’s Spiderman and Peter Parker, too. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??

Same. Insert “living in the post-apocalypse” musing here.

Agreed. It’s dumb. What the hell is Alex even doing there? Nothing. How come Kara goes from full Supergirl regalia to Kara-gear with WW boots with like no time in between? The whole thing makes no sense and is also pandering.

Same here. Do they not want promotion of their product after all the shit we’ve been hearing?

Sure, Trump’s narcissism and ego know no bounds. What bothers me are the people who are supporting him. The regular people who voted for him and who continue to this day to say things like “yeah, but she was just as bad as him” and the Talking Head “News” Entertainers who are twisting themselves in circles in order to

Thank you for explaining.

This whole issue has confused me. Is Marvel depending on sales reports from brick and mortar comics stores? Isn’t that a bit... 1990? Isn’t that a bit like saying certain types of books aren’t selling well anymore because bookstores aren’t reporting good numbers? Can’t Marvel tell how much product has moved based on

The only reason I keep watching is because of team dynamic. I think the chemistry between everyone and the comedic timing is great. Especially HR. Other than that, the plot is terrible. And, since Legends ended, I’ve basically decided not to watch the end of Arrow or that other one.

It’s only been six months?!?

John Boyega is a breath of fresh air.

Businesses and individuals are going to get tax breaks? A functioning government runs on taxes. You can’t cut taxes for everyone and expect to have a functioning— Oh I see. Nevermind. Carry on.

My mind’s a bit boggled by the distance between Earth and the Moon. Just... I guess I didn’t realize the distance between those two.

I’m pretty sure they’re joking, based on handle and pic and previous comments.

Love your handle.

but I don’t want another thing I have to charge.

How else would you be able to tell who’s on your side?