Thanks, I will check out this site!
Thanks, I will check out this site!
Truth. Little snobs.
Yesssss! Good advice. Hmmm, now I have to think about what exactly I would like to back. Because I do usually get stuff like periods and commas and capitalization when I'm looking for feedback on tenses (which I'm a nightmare at), characterization, plot, dialogue, pacing... etc.
I'm not sure about that, my friend. I don't really feel like using my real name is conducive to getting good feedback. I think names come with baggage (gender, race). In a perfect world, I would like an online writing group to maybe just assign people numbers under which they would submit stories for critiques. On a…
Thank you for this feedback. I will keep all of your advice in mind.
I kind of want to flood them with a bunch of obnoxious fake names, Seymour Buttes and the like.
I definitely need a critique group. I worry that my work is juvenile. And I certainly need feedback that is thorough. Thank you for your very kind offer to look over my story, maybe one day I will take you up on that! :)
Check with your local universities/colleges. I'm not sure about the special needs aspect, but certainly they'll have "writer's camps" available to high school students. If not there, check with your local YMCA, they sometimes have camps for special interests. If not there, check with your local library.
Thanks! I will look into it!
I'm pretty pissed about this. I used to write all the time back in college, but since I graduated it's very difficult to get feedback and exist in that sort of community. Every time I give my work to friends or family for feedback I get stuff like, "It was good." "I really liked it." And that's only after I have to…
Wow. I read these comments and realized this is why dating is so difficult. I would have responded to this. I think it's awkward, but interesting. He's clearly funny (esp. #4 after instructions: places to meet: police station) and self-aware. But seeing all the comments here, y'all must find dating to be hella easy…
I def agree with this "care more for the living" sentiment. These people need to be aided in their efforts to get stateside. They're often escaping terrible conditions and are seeking a better life. We need better immigration practices so that these people can make it to the States without losing their lives in any…
I just have to say that I love your name; mostly because I hate that commercial with the fiery passion of a thousand suns.
Til it's frozen. lmaooooooooooooooooo
Wait, your partner's name is Mark too?! This has the makings of a semi-okay romantic comedy.
Benghazi is literally the best punchline.
Some levity.
I hope you are Asian to explain this egregious error in grill cheese making.
What the hell is with these fucking idiot parents who think it's cool to film their kids from the goddamn driver's seat? WHILE DRIVING?!