So how are they treating boys, since Gardasil can be used on young men?
So how are they treating boys, since Gardasil can be used on young men?
Whoa, East Germany?! When was this survey taken?
I like it. I really appreciate that the female costumes are not hyper-sexualized - which as other's have pointed out is not dissimilar to some recent cartoon reboots. But, why is this... oh what to call it... "fan fiction" garnering such vitriolic responses?
Pensacola. Christian. College. Seriously, creepy.
Best. Pop-up Book. Ever.
If journalism is Megyn Kelly's job, then, yeah, she's bad at it. If reciting the party line in a "newsy" way is her job, damn, she's great!
They're going to be really embarrassed in a couple of years when this shit's in their constitution.
Ladies, before even thinking about thinking about having an abortion be sure to contact your legislator so that any time thinking about thinking about having an abortion will count towards your 72! Maybe we should all call our representatives, just in case? I will let mine know that sometime in the future I might one…
This is about as effective at determining guilt/intent as pointing to Trayvon's middle finger and saying, "See! He was a thug. He deserved to die." We don't need to look at either of their pasts because the facts stand for themselves: 1. Zimmerman got out of his vehicle to pursue Martin. 2. He had a gun. 3. He shot…
Too bad there's no acronym for SLUT like... Super Liberated Uteruses Together!
The hypocrisy of the Right actually nauseates me. If they really cared about the supposed offspring of so many women why don’t they become champions of women and children’s rights? Instead they win votes by offering to cut programs like Welfare, WIC, and PBS. Good-bye funding for Head Start programs and free lunches.…
The suggestion that Walmart (or Target, Loews, etc) should contribute more to local groups is silly as many Walmarts already donate a lot of money and space (girl scout cookies anyone?) to local groups. Rather, it's the lack of identity that is detrimental to communities. I'm sure the "just-a-number" feeling we all…
I grew up in a baptist family attending a baptist church that taught "God gave Man dominion over Woman and all the animals." Just like that. Like women = animals. We were also taught that men and women are inherently different. Women are the nurturers and caregivers while men are the defenders and providers. Therefore…
Which is, of course, the true story of Church doctrine over the ages.
In my biased opinion, all things The Church does serves the patriarchy.
But there are real live religious fundamentalists out there who believe in a literal God who literally hates gay people. They don't utilize logic or any sort of mental processing, but just regurgitate what The Church has said re: gays. So there may be folks who are mostly straight that just mimic back the hate The…
Here's what I don't get about the whole proposal debacle, isn't an engagement the promise to marry someone at some point in the future? It doesn't mean, "Yeah, I'll marry you tomorrow at high noon." So why the hell did she even say no? She specifically states that she DOES want to marry Nick at some point, just not…
I understand your sarcasm, but I think you're also making a good point. The media has increased reporting on kidnappings and pedophilia - and awareness is a good thing. Unfortunately, I think a lot of moms are scared to let their kids outside without their own supervision. I personally wouldn't let my children outside…
Why is something like this called a prostitution ring and not a sex slavery ring? Or just a slavery ring? Using the word prostitute/prostitution denotes that these women had some sort of control in their situation and they obviously did not.
Um, Jennifer Garner was built. Her shoulders were like a quarterbacks!