
nobody ever told me this and I have driven only manuals my whole life. I feel like such a noob. On the other hand I never had a problem with reverse grinding.

Here’s a typical stretch of the A11. Not really suitable for bouncing off the speed-limiter, is it?

It’s in the media village, so they clearly did their research and discovered zero is the number of condoms most reporters will need.

That was a joke on the jet fuel can’t melt steel beams thing. Don’t worry bro, I’m playing outfield today. I’ll catch all those jokes flyin’ over your head!

Electricity can’t melt steel tools.

Because blocking lanes on bridges. Thanks Christie!

His clone probably wrecked him.

How dare they offer special promotions to their best customers.

How dare they offer special promotions to their best customers.

Thank you for your continued existence, thank you for addressing this issue and I would thank you to tell Jason to stop calling my sister! Also that swim trunks are required in the pool area.

Good. I couldn’t give a shit about the rest of Gawker, but Jalopnik and Gizmodo are about the only topic sites I give a shit about.

Zoey was kidnapped, Josh was shot.

Pretty sure they were shooting at Charlie Young because he was dating Zoey Bartlet

A few weeks ago I went to DC and street parked. About 45 minutes later the barricades and police showed up — they were clearing the street for the presidential motorcade. It was really cool to see it go by — something like 27 vehicles — and they made sure the street was entirely and completely devoid of traffic.

They don’t seem to be doing very much passing. Most all road rage is two people being assholes, and one winning. The loser plays the victim.

I understand if you don’t like rap, many of us are not fans; but to call the genre lacking in creative drive is batshit fuckin’ bonkers. The growth and development of hip hop has played a major part in shaping music of all genres.

Go listen to Atmophere, Brother Ali, Kids these Days, etc. and get back to me. There is

Gotta wait until mother’s day to get the mostly empty fifth mail truck.

Kan Jam is the best backyard game:

Kan Jam is the best backyard game:

I was thinking those orange warning lights must have gone out of style, but I guess those are more for the American flags in the bed, CB radio antennae, cowboy hat wearing hicks. Where the LED light bars are for the monster energy, custom offsets, white frame sunglasses hicks.