Referee Pat Russell stopped tonight’s Timothy Bradley-Jessie Vargas title fight before the final bell, believing the…
Referee Pat Russell stopped tonight’s Timothy Bradley-Jessie Vargas title fight before the final bell, believing the…
They did rebuild that one football player's 626/protégé, didn't they? (sorry, busy at work?)
What about buffeting due to the door being open? I would have to think that the turbulence inside the fuselage would be nuts at cruising speed with that huge door open. Doesn’t that affect the telescope and what I assume are very small tolerances?
Don’t need a telescope to see Uranus though!
What a big faggot!
Um, this is what makes me proud to be an American.
No serious injuries? That's incredible, and very fortunate for Vidal - usually a wreck that bad results in Gore.
Say what you want about Texas, but I kind of like the idea that a Texas high school girls softball game allows more contact at home plate than Major League Baseball.
(Editor’s Note: If you think she deserved to have her life ruined on account of some weed, do us all a favor and go fuck yourself)
How? There’s basically no way to make the track safe by modern standards.
Arrange one thousand watermelons in a straight line on a runway, 2000ft from the start line. Accelerate as fast as possible into the watermelons, but make sure your trunk and windows are completely open. For every whole watermelon that bounces into your car, you may charge $50,000. This is the industry standard.
Truck yeah it's a newish logo!
Someone explain what is going on here. Car Ski Lift!
In other news self driving BMW’s would never change lanes
And also me.
Why? Amtrak is far and away the best way to get from Philly to NYC or DC. The Northeast Corridor is one of the few places in the country where we actually have the population density to support decent rail service, and Amtrak does a pretty darned good job of it.
Seeing this car is 120 grand cheaper *WOO HOO* seeing that it’s still 134 grand * DAMN DAMN DAMN.