

Awww, she looks like a mini-Lorde!*

For about $20 you can buy a kit with the punches and molds to make most of what is in your photo. I own it and luckily my BF likes the cute lunches I make for him. He's not a picky eater like me so I have more fun making bentos for him than myself. I don't make one every day, but usually 2-3 times a week.


So many appropriate GIFs...

In my head I completed "here's me playing with some lint I found" with "in my belly button."

It's kind of cute when I see kids at Cure concerts dressed up like mini Robert Smiths. I see nothing wrong with bringing a child with appropriate ear protection to a Duran Duran show.

Madeleine, please tell me you plan on live blogging this probable shit show. Pleeeeaaaaase? Discussing NBC's The Sound of Music on Jezebel in real time was the only thing that made it bearable to watch. Alcohol can only do so much.

Blasted typos! Obviously I meant "yet" not "yest".

Just do a search for "Daniel Radcliffe tongue video". I can't watch video right now or I'd link to a good one here.

Disturbing yest informative:

*cough* The original Isis is not amused by these shenanigans.

I don't get the ebola panic or the anti-vaxxer movement. Then again, l frequently make decisions with the help of my buddies Logic and Common Sense.

Something tells me I'll be reusing these GIFs an awful lot... *headdesk*


The "Graveyard Song" was my favorite skit, because gosh darn-it Paul and Phil were quite endearing. Bonus points for the Nightmare Before Christmas inspired song.

For fuck's sake, I live in a "poorer" area and wish I got more trick or treaters! Halloween is my favorite holiday and it makes me sad that so many of the kids go elsewhere. Can't say I entirely blame though, considering how many drug dealers there are just on my block.