Oops. That should have been "he puts a little too much faith in Ray Kurzweil's timeline predictions."
Oops. That should have been "he puts a little too much faith in Ray Kurzweil's timeline predictions."
"I think we'll see people uploading their minds into computers before we see an AI with the capacity to override the workforce entirely."
This is right up my alley! Out of curiosity, are you including Chobits in your thesis?
My BF and I often have long discussions about transhumanism and the singularity. Last night he tried to convince me that it won't be long before almost every job in the world is replaced AI. I had to argue that there isn't the…
I love that you put quotes around the word vaping. Regardless of anyone's opinion on e-cigs, the term vaping is ridiculous.
I'm using Firefox and not having any issues.
This one?
Speaking of charisma, I just re-watched Surya Bonaly's Nagano routine with the infamous fuck you 1-blade back flip. That took balls.
Honestly, I had forgotten about Candeloro but as soon as you started describing those performances the memories came flooding back and I had to watch the Rocky routine. It's even more awesome than I remember.
I remember watching this on TV and was so freaking excited.
I remember watching this on TV and was so freaking excited.
This is why I'm confused by Polina being on the team unless it's a political issue since Mirai doesn't have a coach. Polina seems bit underpowered, and I feel like she doesn't follow through and finish her moves and extensions. The latter is something I'm used to seeing on skaters and dancers younger than Polina.…
It's been a long day so my brain is fried and I honestly can't tell if you are intentionally agreeing with me or not.
To clarify, is Mirai's exclusion from the Olympic team thanks to Wagner the result of racsim? Highly unlikely. Anything is possible so I shouldn't have said No but I do not see this particular situation as a cut and dry case of racism.
I am really sad for Mirai that she won't be going to the Olympics, but this is not about racism. As other commenters have stated there wouldn't be a third open spot on the Women's Olympic team if it wasn't for Ashley Wagner. Mirai finished 3rd at the nationals so if there were only two spots she would still have been…
I never said the list I came up with were the only choices! That is a reasonable option as well for couples who don't care about having dinner together.
As I said, I would never bring a baby to this sort of restaurant but I was trying to be a reasonable human being since it was reported that their babysitter cancelled. If that was true, then Option 3 would be a last resort - hence it was listed last. If the parents didn't bother to book a babysitter then I have zero…
When I was 8 or 9 my parents went to my babysitter's house to pick him up and no one was home. So while he didn't exactly cancel, he did forget that he was supposed to watch me that night.
Can we please refrain from any Roswell/Alien jokes?
I've seen babies sleep through an entire dinner and others who screamed bloody murder the entire time, so I guess it depends on timing and the disposition of each child. Either way you have an excellent point!
If that's true then they are assholes, plain and simple.