
Once on a company (working) excursion for the day, one of my friends was going through a mental checklist of what we needed on the bus, like water, snacks, etc. Suddenly he said “Tampons!” I was like, “Sorry, what?” And he told me that every time we do these things (we do them quite often), someone will inevitably

So true. Ugh!

I always thought it was akin to the military destroying any hardware they can’t take with them. How is it that things that sound odd to the average person but which are routine and protocol for the government get latched onto as “we don’t understand but it sounds bad so it should be bad”? Unless it suits a narrative,

I KNEW I couldn’t have been the only little girl to do that! Every once in a while my mom will try to threaten me in front of people with embarrassing stories about how I would insist on only watching WW in my WW underoos while jumping all over the couch mimicking everything. I’m always like, “do you even know me? I

So many COI’s! I do locations for film and it’s the same thing, we’re basically logistics. Every time I have to explain what I do and what’s actually physically involved in a film shoot, people’s eyes go wide.

I would submit that there’s no such thing as soft racism. Like “reverse” racism, it’s still the same ol’ racism. When I was in high school, some 20 years ago, our English teacher made everyone write out a stereotype they’d heard about their race or ethnicity. We were a very diverse school, so that wasn’t too hard. I

Funny thing, I was at lunch with a coworker when this segment of The View aired on the tv. We were both badmouthing her and when she said her now-infamous (not really) statement and the audience applauded, we were both like “oh please”.

Holy crap, I loved that movie! And I only ever saw it once at the movies.


Not advocating violence at all, because that shouldn’t be our response and it really never solves anything, but my gosh this would be hypothetically hilarious and epic!

I was thinking that too! Then I thought I was crazy for thinking it. Then I remembered that was the plot for the Long Kiss Goodnight and this administration seems to base its reality in make-believe and now I don’t know what to think.

Same. But I always marched to the beat of my own drum anyway, so feeling out of place in my neighborhood when they said I was “stuck up” and “talked white” was the same as feeling out of place in my super nerdy (and %99 black) classroom reading fantasy novels during DEAR time while the others were reading VC Andrews

Ugh, so much this! Wanted to punch the screen every time I saw a sentence that began or ended with that. Which means I spent the ENTIRE election cycle wanting to punch the screen. I loved the whole “we have to hold her accountable” nonsense that was circulating in the spring and I was like “can we get her elected

I see what you did there.

As someone who works in a very large, nation-wide industry, my department is the only one in the state that we work in to not have union representation. All of our coworkers are in unions, and were I to do my job in another state, I would already be in one. We’re literally on the outside looking in as to what unions

The Fades! Thank you, I was going nuts trying to figure out where I’d seen him before but too lazy to look it up!

Please and thank you!

“Life is just so hard when you’re a billionaire millionaire in charge of the most powerful country on earth. I’ll have to go find my tiny violin.”

Ha! I made this same joke on someone’s facebook page.

All my Scottish friends broke the angry emoji when I posted the irony of that on facebook at the time.