
I was planning on getting one of these as I have a launch console that started overheating after the 1 year warranty was up but before they implemented the extended warranty. I opened up the box at that point and modified the shroud and added RAM heatsinks.

I don't really plan on playing this one, but I really hope it is incredibly successful. I'd love to see all the lulz gankers find a new place to ply their craft, preferably far away from my tender little alts.

I'm not surprised they sold almost 4 million copies, but I wonder how many of those were from the bundle?

Yes, they were long and boring. The pacing was slow, the writing was bad, and the subject matter was inane. If they would have edited that mess down to about 1/10th of what they had and at least doubled the amount of actual gameplay, then it would have been a video game. As it is, it's just a long, boring interactive

It was fan service, plain and simple. I actually bought a PS3/MGS4 bundle based on the reviews from various online game mags. I will never make that mistake again. I can understand maybe giving this game an 8 just for charity's sake, but repeated 10s on various sites makes me seriously question the integrity of the

I generally do enjoy the stories in most games, even the silly ones. My favorites are the stories told in games like Planescape:Torment and the Baldur's Gate series. The thing is, even in these very long, text-intensive games, you learned the story mostly by playing it.

I enjoyed the first two acts. The gameplay was fun and somewhat stealth-based, and the cutscenes were brief and action-packed. The third act was kind of lame, gameplay-wise...I ended up just going on a rampage to get through there, shooting down helicopters and blowing up jeeps.


I bought NWN2 when it came out but just couldn't get into playing it due to camera issues. I recently picked up MotB because it was selling for five bucks, so I've been giving it another go. While the camera issues are better, I still feel like I spend half my time wrangling the damn thing...with the main issues being

He has a point.

I'm thinking about picking up a PS3 for this game, though I'm not Japanese.

Excellent news. I'm bypassing the HDDVD/Bluray boondoggle in favor of Xbox Live anyway, so even more content on Live is another nail in the coffin of that unfortunate war over nothing.