A. Tourney

Has anyone proposed the theory that Whitney may have been impregnated by Grandpa Bruce Butler? Yeah, I know, that'd be ridiculous - especially in a show where the protagonist leaves his beautiful, wealthy family for the emotionally unstable 30-year old who decides to randomly bang her cartoonish-villain boss while

I considered this (and posted about it last week) but I wasn't convinced. But the way the narrative is going with the detective, anything is possible.

In a previous episode, the detective talks to Alison and Noah during breaks in their interrogations. To Alison, he says he's married (I forget for how long, but it's a long time as I recall) but he and his wife still act like newlyweds. To Noah, he says he lst custody of his kids in his divorce (forcing a glance of

That is a brilliant idea - and with this show, you never know. There are so many possibilities for deception, coming from all angles. Take timing of the interrogations: The detective told Alison that he was married ("we still act like newlyweds"), but told Noah that he was divorced and lost custody of his kids to

Did the CIA lose interest in tracking down the identity of the Langley bombe and the evil law firm's involvement in assisting the bomber/bombing? Or the fact the bomber likely had inside help to get inside Langley? Maybe these are plot points for next season, but Jesus, 4 months have passed since Saul left and no

We knew he was toast last episode when he told Brody about his infant son and how he was superstitious of talking about his family. That was his "bought a boat called the Live-4-Ever" moment that telegraphed his doom.

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So is Mike's advice on failing to tie up loose ends in the desert about to come full circle on Todd and the Nazis?