
Maybe she'll be open to talking about it soon now that 25 years have passed. I don't know if that was a rule for her, but my uncle worked in West Germany during the Cold War and wouldn't talk about it until the mid-2000s since there was a 25-year-hush-hush clause.

Getting hugs from both of them is on my bucket list. In fact, it is number 1 on my bucket list. It is 1 of 1 things on my bucket list.

Ian McKellen was kinda Cumberbatchin' back then.

What the actual screaming disjointed fuck is happening here, and can someone please make it stop.

I am not nearly as intrigued by his Loki as I am by his Prince Hal. Theatre nerds, man.

Ok, now I´m really wondering. I´m 31. Should I be getting mammograms? They say early detection is key, but they also say that there is a lot of overdiagnosis of otherwise non-harmful forms of cancer. So it´s better to wait?

There's another group of people who have enormous power to change the sexual entitlement culture of American college campuses; the NCAA. Adopt a policy where if an accredited team has one incidence of confirmed rape by a player, the team is put on a one-year suspension where they can't compete in any bowl games or

Honestly? I think it's a little ridiculous that everyone is so focused on college in terms of the rape problem. The fact is, the problem mostly starts with attitudes developed in middle school and high school. I really wish that consent issues and rape education were part of normal middle school sex ed. While it's

Back when he was a zoo DJ before he got into this scam, he was on some anti-gay rant and a caller asked if he thought people choose it, and he said yes. Caller asks if Beck chose to be attracted to women rather than men, and Beck said yes, and the caller said he had pretty much just defined bisexuality. Beck got

2/3 ain't too shabby!

Oh... I had one a few weeks ago featuring them both and it was brilliant. I actually begun a novel that will include a part of it, it was so magnificent. I can only hope to relive any of its magic once again.

Does a big ol' slab of cheesecake count?

I really don't think people should talk about cheese when they haven't brought any to share. I want some damn cheese now.

I was thinking the same thing. It annoys me that you can buy one apple or pear at a time but veggies are sold by the bag. I can't eat that much before it goes bad, especially since I like to make stew-type things with a wide variety of vegetables.

My testicles. They became ovaries. And then they exploded. True story.


This is a discussion of systemic inequalities. It's not that men go out LOOKING for a domestically imbalanced partnership, but that's what they traditionally GET and benefit from, whether anyone wants it or not. And, by extension, that's how a lot of people (men and women!) unconsciously expect their relationships to

Oh. My. God.