
That's funny. It's almost as if the "people on this site" are rarely the target demographic for anything. It's almost as if the "people on this site" are marginalized in that respect; their voices dismissed when they're offended. It's almost as if the "people on this site" don't want horrendous racist, sexist,

Saw the same (or similar) post on tumblr where it was painted in a very different light. Now I'm sad.

Fun fact: Her twin brother played her as a man in the flashback scenes!

According to my sister, who got her BFA in fashion design, doing a sheer top with nothing underneath is supposed to be so that the garment isn't interrupted by the lines of another piece of fabric. Basically, when you put an undergarment of some kind underneath, the piece almost becomes more about the undergarment

Here is a general idea of how ACA is supposed to lower your healthcare costs as far as I know. This is how the exchanges are supposed to work and will eventually lower your cost for healthcare. I post this as a separate topic as opposed to replying to individual posts.

Did you just put Planned Parenthood and ObamaCare in the same title?

Somewhere nearby, conservatives are literally exploding from hate-aneurysms.

Serious question. What do you do to keep that part of you that thinks racist thoughts beat down and shut away? A little backstory. In 2012 i was robbed by three african american men. I was at home and was tied up and threatened to be killed if my pin code failed. They put me in my closet and only through aderniline

Watch Mystery Science Theater, Rifftrax, and Cinematic Titanic.

I'm sorry, heart break is so fucking hard (the name really says it all, doesn't it?) a few things that have helped me after a really rough one

Take time for yourself! I probably waited too long (four years) to get into another relationship after my first big heartbreak, but I got to pass through the heartbreak to the enjoyment of being single to, finally, being really open to a new person again. At first I cried a lot, filled a journal with rantings about my

Kinda won't let me be great and post two pictures at once... Here is the second kitty!

Aww, poor thing!
Long, looooooong time single here. Got everything you need: take some time for yourself to recover ( but not too long - see 'long time single'). Resist the urge to call or text your ex when you're drunk. Go out with friends, have wine at home and sing out loud to your favourite songs, or start a

SLEEP. Please do not neglect the importance of sleep right now. Even if it's hard and you need some OTC drugs, make sure you're alloting at least eight hours a night.
Eating well will also really help. Even though you might have some crazy cravings, you will find that healthy meals taste so amazingly good. Try peaches

Also, my favorite .gif full of wisdom:

Distract yourself with a good movie. Don't rush back in to dating. Take some time and do things YOU love. Not your friends. Not your beaus. You. Invest in you. Date You. While doing things you love, you may meet someone else who loves them too BUT, if you don't, you will have invested time and effort into things that

Here you go.

take it slow and easy. at first it feels like you have to find someone new right away to maintain the half-of-a-couple lifestyle, but you'll thank yourself in the long run if you give yourself time to readjust to singledom and live life on your own schedule. i know thats cheesy advice, but its true.

short term advice: feel heartbroken and feel done with dating forever! you'll have to feel that way for a bit to move on. don't rush into dating if you're not there... go out with your friends and cry or have fun or both (both will happen). after the short-term, you'll figure it out! spend some time doing the things