
There are a million things I could thank a million people for. Video games have changed my life, and always for the better. But in the interest of keeping this readable, I want to thank Naughty Dog in particular for one specific thing. (Mild spoilers if you haven't finished the winter chapter of The Last of Us.)

It seems that many regard any posting on the internet as an invitation for negativity. If you wanted to start a daily "Positivity" post on Kotaku, I'd be all for that.

I've decided to change the direction of my life and become a science genius. I am going to develop a 100% foolproof virginity test for boys. The old broken hymen thing is unreliable, and anyway, we all agree that boys are more precious than girls; who cares if the girls are unclean?! My test is going to protect our

Racism is real oppression, even when it happens to a rich person.

So I work in a chain coffee shop (Tim Hortons) and I've been asked out through the drive thru, by this guy I really liked to talk to as a friend - It was uncomfortable and unexpected and I was super embarrassed but we became pretty good friends

Generally chain restaurants have a fraternizing policy between crew and managers, not between crew and customers. Flirting to the point that it's interfering with you doing your job would probably get the barista in trouble, but it's not like they'll be following you around after-hours all YOU GO TO THIS STARBUCKS

I appreciate what I call the Holy Trifecta of Chris: Chris Pine, Chris Evans, and Chris Hemsworth. Unf.

This sounds legit to me. Chris Evans felt about 8 inches and hard as a rock and desperate to lay me down and murder my vagina, and that's pretty much what I expect in real life...............

I can't remember where I read this, but apparently when you feel things in dreams, your brain responds the exact same way it does when you feel them in real life. So, in kind of a weird, neuroscience-y kind of way, you *did* feel his boner. Or, at least, your experience of dreaming you felt his boner is neurologically

I haven't, but a male friend of mine did. She said yes and they ended up dating for 4 years and living together for 2 of those years.

Thank you for your advice. Thankfully I'm just home for the summer, I will be moving back into the college dorms once the fall semester starts. I hope that if the pastor can intervene somehow he will be willing to go to a support group or something - I will definitely be going to counseling. It's been a tough year so

Woah, finding reasons to touch you? ASK HIM OUT!

Yep. Flirted with my barista and asked him to a party. We've been together 12 years and celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. Go get him!

That's perfect, then! If you don't want to make him uncomfortable on the job, you could ask that co-worker to slip him your number. That way, if he doesn't call, there's not much lost, and you don't have to feel weird about hitting on him at work.

Guys, this is probably TMI, but I had a dream last night that Chris Evans and I were dating and we were trying to find a place to screw in my parent's house without being caught. I also felt his boner. I don't ever have dreams like this so obviously this means I need to write a letter to CEvans and tell him we were

Two family issue related questions:

I am currently living with my former barista. So yes. :) I was a little nervous that he was just being nice to me because of customer service, but after we flirted for a while with no sign of doing anything about it, his coworkers took it into their hands. They basically foist his number on me and then started asking

Help! I'm applying for a sweet sweet bilingual job: resume in each language? one resume with a sprinkling of the second language? One resume with reference to the other language?

No but I recently read a piece on ThoughtCatalog (don't judge me) about a hot barista who would have girls lined up just for him and it made it seem like baristas, much like bartenders or waiters/waitresses can be flirty just for the hell of it. You know, because they get bored or they might get good tips out of it.