
I once had a dream about a barbershop quartet which had uncle jesse and usher in it.

Dear Eva,


But Heaven’s floodgates open when we stop making excuses!

Does anyone else work overnights? I started the night shift just a few weeks back, and I adjusted to being awake all night really well. BUT, how do you handle your time off? Do you stay on your night owl schedule or try to have a normal life for a couple days? I get two nights off in a row, but I end up sleeping all

Speaking from a strictly scientific point of view, Dianna passed on all of her royalty genes in utero to William, while reserving all of her hot genes for Harry.

I can't. So let's just enjoy this cartoonishly cute kitten.

Jezebels, I need your help. First a litttle bit of a background: I am a Swiss living in Switzerland. Compared with other countries such as the US the black population of Switzerland is very small and most of them are rather recent immigrants. I guess that fifty years ago most Swiss people would have never seen a black

It's kind of depressing to think that there are numerous rage-filled men who take off their clothes in cubicles while countless other people can't find jobs.

Khloe is the only Klan member I can tolerate and I need to know the context of that gif please.

Your words meant alot.

I just don't get the gross-out effect that periods STILL seem to have on people. Get over it grown ass man. It happens once a month every month for most of the women on this planet. Seriously. If you grew up with real punk rock, this would not be an issue.

I like how the article mentions this pool is on Earth. That narrows it down, should be easy to find now. We don't need a city or country or anything.

It's official! I'm moving to New Zealand in november! :) :) :)

I married my college sweetheart. We met at a bar, through friends, and he took care of me when I drunkenly threw up on him later that night. I baked him cookies the next day as a thank you. We were friends then for a month or two, before we drunkenly made out one night, and we've been pretty much inseparable ever

What's your favorite job search site? I'm looking for a job in the non-profit sector, and I've been using mostly and careerbuilder. Any other suggestions? I don't really like using, just not a fan of the layout.

My Grandma and Grandpa were married for 62 years. They dated when they were 16 and 17 and my Gma said that the minute she danced with Gpa, she knew he was the man she wanted to marry. Gpa went off to fight in WW2 and they wrote letters back and forth while he was gone. He came home, they got married, moved from Ohio

I don't think so. I sometimes write poems and a few turn out to be love poems. When people ask who they are for I can't really tell them; the woman in those poems is more of an idea than a person and the feelings are more remembered than felt. I am writing them for a person I have yet to meet to tell her the way I

I have been with my husband for about 13 years, married for about 7. Totally happy and I'm sure we will be together til one of us dies.

On our first date, my husband and I split two bottles of wine and then made out so hard I lost an earring! Neither of us were looking for anything serious, but we knew it was real pretty soon. We just had our first baby together (well, first period for either of us too!), and it's just made us closer. I think you