
Ask a woman who doesn't want children how many times someone has trotted out the old, "no one will ever date/marry/love you!" canard. If men didn't want children, childfree women would far more highly sought after as partners.

I have often thought that if I were a man, I would be much more willing to have children. Pregnancy and childbirth are a pretty big deterrent for me.

"If that does not suit you, then GET OUT"

I assume we are actively campaigning for him to transfer here after his work is done there? 'Cause that would be super.

The designers on PR hate girls with curves because they are in a time crunch and anything that is not a straight line eats up tailoring time. I have been working on expanding my designs and selling more fashion and I am super motivated to make some plus size stuff. They will get cute clothing and I will make money,

Try People Tree

I hate to be a debbie downer about this, but even Made in the USA labels are not a guarantee of fair/ethical labor practices. I'd have to do more research, but my understanding is that a fair amount of stuff that's "made in the USA" is produced with forced prison labor (Victoria's Secret has done this). It is a

For shoes, you can try Chie Mihara: They are super duper cute and usually comfy, made in Spain, and you can see photos and videos from the shop that they are made in on their site. Pretty pricey though. Etsy has already been mentioned - it is really great because then you're not buying from

For all their questionable advertising, American Apparel has nice basics. They manufacture everything in downtown LA and their workers get health insurance.

You might be able to find some local seamstresses on etsy. That place is full of clothing that is fashionable, well made, and not feeding into the corporate machine.

As I said, it sometimes takes a bit of a hunt to find info! Doing a search of the brand name together with 'ethics' or 'ethical' is a good place to start. You can also read articles about the industry and spot info about traders in those as well.

Here are some websites:

Now playing

Go to You Tube and look for Roman Hairdos. They are fascinating to watch. Here is just one example:

I'd say: 1. keep deliberating with your fiancee about what works for the two of you; 2. hold doors open for all people, and let women hold doors open for you when appropriate*; 3. stay away from people who jump to conclusions and yell at you when you are doing your best to be a sensitive and polite person.

Died on the first day by using my five actions to kill all five people. The dog was the only one I really trusted. They were all going to turn on me, I just know it...

From the way some women are treated, you'd think that those men treating them that way were born out of their mothers' assholes or something.

I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a princess with a pancake on her head.

They're already married. So are Jen and Justin.

"And there are those...who wear masks to rock."